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“We do,” I said in agreement.

“Looks like your bullying days are over.” Swanson patted Hank on the shoulder. “Mr. Owens isn’t the kind of man you can push around.” He drifted back to the men he was speaking to, leaving the two of us alone together.

I stared Hank down with an expression that would terrify anyone. “Look at Rome again, and I’ll kill you. Do you understand me?”

Hank gave a curt nod.

“I didn’t hear you, bitch.”

Irritation flooded his eyes at the insult, more offended by that than by being called an asshole. “Yeah…I understand you.”

“Good.” I patted his cheek, insulting him in the most fundamental way possible. “Enjoy your evening.” I turned away and headed to the entryway toward the restrooms. Rome was already standing there, her arms across her chest and her eyes on me. She must have witnessed the whole thing because her face was pale as milk.

When I reached her, my arms circled her waist, and I immediately kissed her, not caring if that crossed the line. I recognized it and what it meant. She needed me. She needed my mouth on hers and my strong hands on her body.

Her lips moved with mine, treasuring the comfort I gave her. Her mouth was plump and sexy, feeling so good against my mouth. I’d wanted to kiss her to make her feel safe, but now I kissed her because I couldn’t stop. All I wanted to do was take her home and make love to her, bury myself inside her so we would both feel happy—even if it didn’t last long.

She pulled away and leaned her forehead against my chin. Her arms rested in the crooks of mine, and some of her strands of hair had come loose. The dark makeup around her eyes brought out the beautiful green color of her irises. Her lashes were long and thick, making her look like a collectible doll. I thought she looked perfect first thing in the morning, when her face was relaxed after a good night of sleep. But right now, I thought she looked more beautiful than I’d ever seen her.

I could barely hear her speak since the chatter in the ballroom was so loud. “What happened?”

“I threatened him—just to keep him on his toes.” I didn’t tell her he’d been staring at her. It would probably make her uncomfortable, make her feel violated from his look.

“And what did he say?”

“He backed up like a pussy. He’s terrified of me. You don’t need to worry about him.”

“Then why did you confront him?”

I didn’t like to lie, but I thought it would hurt her more if she knew the truth. “I want him to know I’ll always be his enemy. If he even thinks about trying something, I’ll know about it. Instilling fear will make him too scared to do anything, even in the brief moments he feels safe. It’s psychological warfare.” And I was the master of psychological warfare.

She nodded, her eyes still downcast.

“Rome.” I placed my fingertips under her chin and forced her to meet my gaze.


“Where’s the strong woman I met when she slapped me in that bar? I miss her.” I loved her fire and her strength. She commanded respect the instant she walked into a room. But now, she was rigid and scared. I loved protecting her. I love having her rely on me. But I missed the woman she used to be. “Every time he tried something, you got away. You defended yourself because you’re strong. Don’t lower your head in fear. Raise it up high and show him you aren’t scared. That’s the woman I know.”

Her eyes brightened and softened at the same time. She nodded her head in agreement. “You’re right.”

“Damn right, I am.” I kissed the corner of her mouth and felt incredible joy at just the small affection. She made me burn white-hot at the most innocent touch. “Now let’s have dinner.”

We got into the back seat of the car, and Tom pulled away from the curb. I sat on one side, and Rome sat on the other. We were far apart just as we had been at the beginning of the evening. But the distance between us had no effect on the closeness of our minds.

Tom headed back to the apartment she shared with Christopher with the divider up between us. It gave us privacy, not that we needed it.

I looked out the window and tried to keep my desperation in check. I wanted to tell Tom to drive back to my place so I could roll around with her on my sheets. I didn’t even want to fuck her. I wanted to kiss her everywhere, take my time, and make love all night. There were no whips and chains on my mind.

Just Rome.

But I couldn’t do that. It would give me immediate satisfaction, but when she left the following morning, it would be painful all over again.

Tags: Victoria Quinn Obsidian Billionaire Romance