Page 18 of The One I Want

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Eve pulled on the motorcycle helmet and climbed onto the back of Anson’s vintage Indian cycle. She’d just finished doing an Instagram Live broadcast when she’d received his text asking if she was free this afternoon. Luckily, she was.

Now, they were headed to God knew where. She didn’t care. All that mattered was spending the afternoon alone with Anson.

He’d told her to bring her swimming suit, so she guessed wherever they were headed involved water. Since he appeared excited about surprising her, she didn’t ask many questions.

With her arms tightly wrapped around his waist, she relaxed against his back and enjoyed the ride. She found herself disappointed when he pulled into a winding driveway that led to a cabin—okay, an impressive summer home—on a lake. When he stopped the cycle in front of the house, Eve hopped off.

“Is this your place?” she asked.

“Belongs to the family,” he told her. “It’s isolated, which is a big plus. I thought we could grab something for lunch from the refrigerator, take out the pontoon and enjoy the water and sun along with the food.”

“And each other?” Eve flashed a cheeky smile.

“Goes without saying.” His eyes met hers. “Do my plans meet with your approval?”

“They do.” She kept her gaze locked on his as desire shimmered in the air.

Eve’s heart began to race. She and Anson had become close over the past years. They’d teased and joked, but had kept it casual. It was that easy camaraderie between them that had her followers thinking he was her boyfriend while they were still only friends.

Her feelings for him had only grown stronger now that she was back in Denver. She’d done her share of dating, but not one of those smart, accomplished guys had ever come close to capturing her heart.

Until Anson.

“Eve.” He trailed the backs of his fingers down her cheek, his voice a soft caress.

She looked up and met dancing green eyes.

“Are you ready to get this party started?”

* * *

Anson whistled as he changed into swim trunks and a T-shirt in one bedroom, while Eve changed into her suit in another.

Not because he didn’t want to get naked with her. He wanted that in the worst way. But he wouldn’t rush what was building between them. She mattered too much to risk a misstep.

Which meant he needed her to be sure of her feelings for him before they jumped into bed.

Anson headed to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, he took out the food he’d stocked last night, items he knew she liked—hummus, carrot sticks and grapes.

“Hey, you.”

He turned, and there she was, looking more lovely than any woman had a right to look in a red bikini and a filmy wrap skirt tied around her waist. Flip-flops showed off toenails painted the same vibrant red.

Her hair, shiny and sleek, glimmered in the light of the kitchen.

Cocking his head, Anson narrowed his gaze. “Does your hair have sparkles in it?”

She laughed with delight. “Everything about me sparkles.”

“You’re right about that.” Snaking an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him and studied her hair while reveling in the feel of her warm skin against his arm. “Yep. I see sparkles.”

“I see an insulated lunch bag.” Making no effort to move out of his embrace, she pointed. “What’s in there?”

“All of your favorites,” he told her. “Triscuits. Hummus. Grapes. Carrots.”

“Avocado, Cilantro & Lime Triscuits?”

Tags: Cindy Kirk Romance