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“You lied.” Her accusation shot from her mouth, albeit as a hollow whisper, more wounded than critical.

His smile dropped, the skin around his eyes relaxed, as though her tone got to him. “I never lied. Like I said, circumstances changed.”

“What changed?”

He didn’t answer and merely kept staring at her, that stare seeming to say, “I don’t have to tell you.”

Again, a wave of anger burned through her chest. He had a point. Whether she liked it or not, they were reasonable adults, and he was entitled to stay in Harlow. Heck, even her attempt to ban him from the bar didn’t hold much weight.

And still, she wanted to win. Didn’t want to give him the benefit of the doubt, as much as being willfully unpleasant wouldn’t make this situation any less hellish.

“Do me a favor then.” She eased back, attempting to seem okay with finding a compromise.

He lifted his shoulders a little, hinting he might be open to whatever she suggested. “What is it?”

She ran a hand over the bar, removing non-existent dust simply so she wouldn’t have to look at him as she voiced her next request. “Just keep your word about staying away from Ally, please.”

“And what if Ally doesn’t want to stay away from me?”

She focused on him taking another swig of beer, his cocky smirk around the glass making it seem as if he liked the idea of getting hold of Ally or simply liked toying with Sarah. Either option stoked the fire beneath her ribcage.

“This isn’t a joke.” Her shoulders stiffened, and she made no attempt to hide her anger. “If you touch Ally, I will downright break your fingers. Got it?”

He choked out a small laugh and pressed the back of his hand to his lips. Granted, he weighed more than twice as much as her, which made her threat ridiculous. Heck, she never resorted to threats… but this man… he had a way of inspiring the worst in her.

Perhaps she could just roll with the unhinged ranting and see where that took her…

“This town is my home, these are my people, and I can make your life miserable, got it?” She swept her ponytail away from her shoulder and then crossed her arms with a mocking sort of shrug. “So, like I said, take your pick out of any other willing woman, but leave Ally alone. She’s too nice for a guy like you.”

Tags: Katerina Simms Romance