Page 46 of Two Pilots for Her

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It’s been a week and I have not heard from either Dylan or Andrew. It was my impression that we had the best time together possible. For me, it was amazing.

The last flight we worked together, I found both Dylan and Andrew very strange and non-committal. First of all, neither one of them spoke to me at all. Second, when I would go up to the cockpit to give them their coffee of juice, they just grunted at me and didn’t even say thank you.

Lastly, when we got off the plane, the air between us was so cold. It was more than awkward; it was pure Twilight Zone. What happened after our last encounter? I thought everyone enjoyed the threesome.

Sitting on the sofa with my fluffy pillows and blankets, I feel cold. I’m nervous about the whole relationship. If only one of the guys would call me and tell me what is going on.

I reach for my smartphone to call Ashley. She’s a very sensible and pragmatic girl. I bet that she has some real good insight for what is going on. The phone rings three times before she picks up.

“Rona’s Hot Yoga Studio,” Ashley says.

“I’m sorry, are you working? I can call back.”

“Oh no, I just woke up. It’s been a busy week and I’ve spent way too much time at the studio. I’ve answered like a million phone calls.”

“What’s wrong? Why are there so many calls?”

“Someone wrote in their blog that we do yoga in the nude here.”

“Oh wow, there must be a thousand men who want to sign up now.”

“Crazy enough it’s just women who have been calling.”

We both chuckle over this one.

“So Hazel, why are you calling me at six-twenty in the morning?”

“I’m sorry Ashley, I’ve been so worried, I forgot about the time difference.”

“It’s cool. What’s up?”

It’s hard to tell your friend that you’re scared of being rejected. I’m supposed to be living this incredible life traveling all over the world. Yet, here I am worrying about only two men.

Truth be told, I’m Ashley’s sexual role model. She’ll be disappointed that I’m not- as the British would say- shagging men all over the world.

“Come on Hazel, what’s going on?”

“Well, I feel funny discussing it with you.”

“It’s those two guys, right? The handsome pilots. Are you having trouble choosing between the two?”

How am I going to tell her about the threesome? She’s Catholic and although she never tends to judge, this might be too far out for her.

“It’s not that I can’t pick. It’s that I won’t pick.”

“Are you involved in a threesome?”

“Ashley, how did you know?”

“Hazel, I might not be a worldly flight attendant, but I do live on planet Earth.”

“I was afraid to tell you.”

“I’m offended Hazel. How judgmental do you think I am?”

I’ve gone and pissed Ashley off. We spend twenty minutes talking about what a forward thinker she is and how she would never judge me or anyone for that matter.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic