Page 61 of Inked Temptation

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I couldn’t help it. I had lived lifetimes, and sometimes it felt like those lifetimes were actual linear timeframes and not just experiences.

“Hi, Trevor, we’re excited to be here.”

I just shook my head at Archer as he tried to calm down my nerves.

I wasn’t even sure he was aware he was doing it, but he was.

How had Marc not loved that? Or maybe he had taken advantage of it.

“Can I get you two started off with something to drink?”

“I know it’s fall, but I heard they had a great rose here from one of my cousins.”

“You have cousins that live here?” I asked, then held up my hand. “I’m sorry. You probably have cousins that live everywhere.”

Archer laughed as Trevor gave us an odd look, probably trying to understand the joke.

“I’ll have whatever you’d like. I trust you,” I said.

Archer smiled even harder, and I felt like maybe I was doing something right.

“You have that bottle of rose that’s pinot noir based?” Archer asked, scrunching his forehead as he tried to remember the name.

Trevor smiled. “I know exactly what you’re talking about. And from the look of you, you must be Liam Montgomery’s cousin.”

“Yes, I am. I’m going to take that as a compliment, considering that Liam’s a former model.”

I snapped my fingers. “That’s it.”

“Oh good, I was hoping you would never know that. But then, I just out and blurted it.”

Trevor laughed and said that he would come back with our drinks, as well as bread for the table, and I looked down at the menu, my shoulders shaking.

“Don’t laugh.”

“I’m just thinking. You could’ve been an underwear model like your cousin.”

“I would like to think so, but then, everyone would’ve seen me in my underwear, not just you.”

I raised a brow. “I don’t actually remember seeing you in your underwear,” I muttered, and Archer snorted, partially spilling his water.

“Then I guess next time we should take it slower. To make sure we take it all in.”

“I was pretty sure you took it all in last time,” I teased, and Archer turned bright red, and I just shook my head, gulping my water. I couldn’t believe I was joking like this.

Who the hell was I?

And why did Archer do this to me?

“What are you in the mood to eat?” I asked, and Archer raised a brow. I couldn’t help but laugh. “So, this is what we’re going to do, make sex jokes for the whole evening and call it a date?”

“Honestly, that sounds like a good time to me. However, we can talk about anything that you want. Or nothing. As for food, I was looking at the lavender and lemon roast chicken, with smashed potatoes, and broccolini.”

“Lavender on chicken?” I asked and winced.

“My sisters made something like it, and I nearly inhaled all of it. What are you going to have?” Archer asked.

“I was thinking a steak. But now I feel like I’m boring.”

Tags: Carrie Ann Ryan Romance