Page 26 of Inked Temptation

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She winked as she said it, patted Cora on the head, then waved goodbye, leaving me standing there.

“Virile?” Archer asked, that brow raised again.

“She’s lost her mind. It’s okay, though. She’s sweet.”

“Whatever you say, Hook.”

“Just call me Killian. I’m not a fan of Captain Hook.”

“Because of the gators? Or because he keeps chasing around a boy that will never grow up that wears green tights?”

“Maybe just because she wanted to put me in eyeliner one day,” I mumbled, and Archer threw his head back and laughed, bringing a smile to my face.

“I didn’t know you would be up here so quickly,” I said as I looked around.

“My team was up here yesterday, and they’ll be up tomorrow. I just needed to get out.”

“Oh,” I said to him, while wondering if I should say anything more.

“If it’s too loud for you, I’m sorry. Renovations do that.”

I shrugged. “I’m over here doing the same thing, but I don’t have a full team.”

“Are you going to let me look around and let you know for the plumbing thing?” Archer asked as he put his hands in his pockets. I stared at him, at those blue eyes of his, and wondered why he looked so off. I didn’t even know him, but I felt like something was wrong with him.

He looked like he was unsure of himself, and from what I knew about this guy, from the first moment he fell on me from a roof, he wasn’t the type of guy to be like this.

Or maybe I was just losing my mind.

“You can come to take a look,” I said, surprising myself.

From the look on Archer’s face, he was equally surprised. “Okay, sure. Let’s go do it.”


“I don’t have anything better to do.”

“Really? Should it worry me that you don’t have enough work to do? If you have the time to look at my place, then that means you have too much spare time, right?”

“I’m supposed to take today off, and instead of doing paperwork or paying bills or watching the game, I decided to come up here and just think.”

I frowned at him before I started walking, Cora at my side. He followed just behind us.

We made it around the bend to my place, and Archer let out a whistle.

“This place is going to be amazing.”

“What, it’s not amazing now with half of it unfinished?” I asked dryly.

“Are you trying to get growly with me, or are you just enjoying yourself?”

“Whatever you need to believe.”

“Okay then,” Archer whispered.

“What’s wrong then? Why do you need to be here to think?”

I could have rightly kicked myself. Why did I care? Fuck. I was here because I didn’t want to think at all, and yet all I could do was think, to dream, and now I was asking someone else what they were worried about. It wasn’t my business, and I didn’t fucking care. Only, I did seem to care, and it worried me.

Tags: Carrie Ann Ryan Romance