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I’d fallen into something of a routine with Thuliak. If “have sex at every possible moment” could be considered a real routine.

We basically never stopped. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other, and the nonstop orgasms made it really easy to forget about anything else—like the future of my world, and my own place in this hazy future in front of us.

All I knew is that Thuliak was Scion, and that our “progeny” would eventually form its own pack, then set out into the stars to find another race to breed with. My role in that was to create a future scion, but I couldn’t have a kid until…

“Why does there have to be a Third?” I asked him.

He’d closed his eyes like he’d already fallen asleep, but the moment I spoke his eyelids opened back up, and his piercing teal eyes were fully alert and attentive as they met my gaze.

“It’s not clear,” he said. “It’s always been this way for us, but I’ve suspected that it was done to force cooperation and alliances between packs. It’s been known for a long time that the strongest progeny comes as a result of fathers from two packs, so the need to form triumvirates smooths things over within the breeding pack.

“I see, but still…I wish it could just be us.”

“That’s not the way of things,” he said, but his voice wavered, and I wondered if he felt the same way.

From the Lexikon, Thuliak had told me that most human worlds worked in a one-on-one breeding plan. One man and one woman would breed, and then they’d have a kid or two or three, and from there they’d raise that kid together. Maybe he thought I was expecitng that?

“Thuliak, it’s not like I’m expecting that we do things how other human worlds do them. I had a lot of moms. On Eden though, it’s all done artificially, and my moms were just…caregivers I guess. As I got older they became more like friends. I know there are different ways to have kids and to raise them. This alien Triumvirate stuff isn’tthatweird to me. It’s just…I guess the weird part is having people who aretogetherraising a kid. On Eden, women who show a tendency toward other women aren’t allowed to have kids or to live together. All of my moms were just…like co-workers? Teammates? But they weren’t together.”

“Those women are immune to our taint,” he said. “I thought maybe we could get through to them, but apparently it’s hard-wired into them. With High Command toppled, I’ll let them do what they want with each other.”

“Youwill?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Yes. After we make landfall and setup the new government.”

“So…you’re going to take over the planet?”

He met my eyes and narrowed them. “You didn’t think I’d leave High Command in charge, did you?”

“No, but I didn’t think you’d conquer my planet either?”

“High Command is doing a piss poor job of ruling. I’m not a tyrant, Airlock, I’ll give your people what they want. These lesbians, for starters, let them make each other cum. Let them marry each other, have kids, whatever they want to do. It has no effect on me or anyone else. They were denied their pleasure for the same reason you were—to control you. That’s over now. I will bring a reign of pleasure to Eden the likes of which these women have never seen.”

“I still think humans should be in charge of Eden.”

“Humans are too primitive to rule themselves.”

“I’m a human. Are you calling me primitive?”

He reached over and put a hand on my cheek, but then it fell to my neck. He squeezed, and even the slightest little choke from his powerful hands had me gushing wet. I closed my eyes to try to control it, my my eyelids just fluttered, and my lips parted.

“You’re my little human,” he said, “and I know what’s best for you. I know too what’s best for your world. We’ve been made to do this, Airlock, to breed with entire worlds. Only a Scion can see this transition through. We can’t trust your High Command to do this correctly, understand?”

Before I could answer, he pulled me down by my hair until I was on my knees. Thuliak never wore clothes, and his hard cock was right in my face. Worldessly I swallowed his head, locking my lips tight around his thick girth. He tasted warm, and I loved the way his dick filled my mouth up so entirely. I opened my jaw wide and swallowed him deeper. I sucked and slurped with abandon, making no effort to keep my saliva off him. He liked it wet and sloppy.

Before I could get him even close to cumming, he pulled me off him and locked eyes with me. “It pains me to say this, Airlock, but we must stop.”

“Why?” I asked

“I’ve just been alerted of an emergency situation. I’m needed on the bridge.”

“Can I come?”

“I wanted to make you cum, but—”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction