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“I mean come with you onto the bridge.”

His jaw tightened, but from the way his eyes moved, I could tell he was going to agree to it, though I might have to beg him a little bit. “No, you’ll remain here. It’s safer.”

“Please, Thuliak,” I said, kissing the tip of his cock, because I was still on my knees. “What if I could make you cum in under a minute?”

“It’s impossible,” he said, “I’m a Scion—”

I inhaled his thick, teal, alien cock, swallowing him down as deep as I could go without—I gagged—but I got myself under control, then I swallowed him down several more centimeters. I sucked for all I was worth, and soon I could taste his sweet alien seed on my tongue, but it was just a little bit of the cum that sometimes came outbeforehe actually came. I didn’t know how long I had, but I knew that Thuliak could keep perfect time due to the Hivemind. I didn’t know if he was going to hold me to the 1-minute deal, or if he was just going to be happy that I got so much of his big dick in my throat, but I wanted to err on the side of caution and make him cum as fast as I could.

Drool dripped down as I started to fuck him with my lips, tongue, and throat. It was loud—wet slurping sounds filled the room, and soon Thuliak’s groans and growls of pleasure mixed in with all the other sounds. I probably had twenty seconds or so left, so I sucked as hard as I could and started to swirl my tongue, I—

His cock throbbed, and he pressed deeper down my throat. I readied myself for his seed, and soon it blasted down my throat. I sucked and slurped and swallowed as he came, and when he finally finished cumming, I just kept sucking on him as he got softer.

“46 seconds,” he said, “until I came, though you didn’t fully drain me for a minute and twelve seconds.”

I popped his cock out of my mouth. There was a little bit of cum still on his head that I’d missed, so I licked it off and swallowed, then looked up at him—still on my knees—I made you cum in under a minute. It’s not my fault you have so much seed that it takes you thirty seconds to finish cumming.”

He laughed and held out a hand. I took it, and he pulled me up to my feet. “I’d fuck you now, little human, but I never want to rush it, and we have no more time. Come, to the bridge.”

He took my hand, and we let the wall swallow us up together. Soon we were being spit out onto the bridge, where all of Thuliak’s bridge crew was already assembled and working. Each Khetar was fully focused on the screens in front of him, and the only sounds were curt and efficient status updates shouted across the bridge.

“Why do your men speak our with each other?”

“Once a packship settles on a planet to breed with, we adopt their language. The Hivemind gives us perfect language acquisition, so it’s a trivial issue.”

“I see. What does your native language sound like?”

He spoke some words. It sounded guttural, but it had a strange sing-songy element to it that contrasted heavily with the guttural sounds. It sounded beautiful, and I found myself smiling, not wanting him to stop speaking. He did stop though, and he moved to his captain’s chair. The ship made a chair for me beside him, but I felt like a third wheel sitting there with no console and no job on the bridge. Still, it was better than being locked away in my room forever.

“Give me a full update,” Thuliak said.

“We’ve detected Tschenkar’s packship moving on an intercept vector toward the pirate fleet,” someone said, “If we move immediately, we’ll get there six hours after Tschenkar.”

Thuliak pounded his fist down onto the console and growled. “Six hours! Fuck!”

“Pirates?” I asked. “The pirates are…real? I thought High Command had just made them up to scare us.”

Thuliak pulled up a screen for me. The screen hovered right in front of my face, and it showed a bunch of asteroids floating around, but then there were little orange dots sprinkled throughout the asteroids. The scene zoomed out until the rocks were just little dots, and a green icon of a ship similar to Thuliak’s, with its nose pointed toward the orange dots, became visible. If I looked closely, I could see that Tschenkar’s green ship icon was moving.

“All those little dots are pirate ships?” I asked. “That’s a lot of pirates.”

Thuliak nodded, and the image zoomed in on one of the orange dots. I could see the ship now in detail. It looked not too different from something we’d use for inter-system transport. The ship was shaped like a long pencil, and it rotated to create artificial gravity when it wasn’t under thrust. The thrusters on the back of the ship were not firing. The scene zoomed out a bit more, and then I could see three ships all in a wide formation, though the two new ships were smaller than the first. They didn’t even rotate for gravity, so whichever pirates were onboard would be weightless unless they fired their engines.

I tried to swallow, but my throat had gone dry. Thuliak put a hand on my thigh and squeezed. “What rumors did you hear about them?”

“I heard…” I stammered, feeling like a nervous little virgin again, “I heard that they kidnapped women. Is it true?”

Thuliak nodded. “They take women from Eden, then sell them out of system. That’s what happens to the lucky ones, at least.”

I gulped. “And the unlucky ones?”

“My kind wouldnevertouch a woman’s body without permission. To us, women are the most pecious thing in the galaxy, and to harm one is unthinkable. Itwasunspeakable, until we came across this subhuman filth which forced us to speak of such atrocities,” he said, waving his hand at the pirate ships on screen.

“So they…had sex with the women they captured?”

“We were waiting for reinforcements,” Thuliak said, “then we were going to come down on them with the full fury of the breeding pack. We wanted to annihilate them.”

“Is Tschenkar going to…” I started, “protect the pirates?”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction