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“The fuck are we looking at?” I asked.

Fairok, my sensors guy, changed the image from visible spectrum to infrared. The ships’ engines were so hot that we couldn’t see anything else.

“Filtering out heat from fusion reaction…” Fairok said, and suddenly the little human-sized man shapes were visible. The smaller ships had skeleton crews of just four or five men, while the larger ships had a few dozen.

“They’re all men?” I asked.

Fairok zoomed in so far that I got the thermal signature of the mens’ cocks and balls. “As far as I can tell,” he said.

“I thought there were no men in this system,” I said, “does Thuliak know about this?”

“Likely,” Fairok said. “From all the data we managed to steal from Eden, I’m guessing these are the pirates their High Command mentioned.”

“Pirates,” I said, grinning, “so no one will mind if we kill them?”

Fairok nodded slowly. “It seems these human men breed the women against their will. Well, some take them out of system to sell, but others take the women for themselves.”

My teeth clenched in rage. When I’d heard that the women from this virgin planet fled their men, I hadn’t understood why. The more I read into the history of their homeworld, the less I blamed them for their decision.

“We’ll fucking turn their whole fleet into scrap metal,” I growled.

“Should we coordinate with Thuliak,” one of my pilots asked, “or—”

“No,” I said defiantly. “The pirates are closest to us, and they won’t put up any real fight. We kill them all. If we’re going to be fucking Fifth, we may as take the consolation prize of being known as the pack who smoked the whole fleet of rapist cunts. Let’s make it so all those men-fearing virgin women know that each time they see the dark purple skin of our park, they’ll think ‘Ah, look, it’s one of the Khetar who killed those rapist cunts!’ They’ll see us as heroes who actually did something. While Thuliak and the other bigshots just parked their arses in orbit and got ready to breed,wedid the dirty work. We cleaned up their system.”

My bridge crew was nodding as I spoke. Good. They liked what I had to say, and they’d like it even more when we were ripping those pirate cunts’ balls off. My men hadn’t taken the news well that we were going to be Fifth even after being the second packship to arrive, but giving them some human men to slaughter would smooth things over. It was a consolation prize, but it was still a prize to be taken.

I took my leave of the bridge and started battle-planning in my quarters. The final battle plans would be drawn up with my entire tactical team, but I wanted to give them a few different proposals to work with.

Our technology was so much better than the humans’ technology that we could simply use our Grasp drives as a weapon. If wejustwanted to eliminate the threat, we could hit them with a beam of warped spacetime, which would simply rip all of their ships—and weak, pathetic little bodies—to shreds without us ever lifting a finger.

The point of battle-planning wasn’t actually to figure out an efficient way to end the battle, but rather to figure out how we could give as many of our warriors as possible opportunities to kill with their own bare hands.

We’d need boarding pods, stabbing weapons, and serrated blades to cut off the pirates’ cocks in a maximally painful way. I wanted a bloody battle. I wanted my pack to be fierce and raging and soaked in human blood when they bred. I wanted our progeny to be as formidable as possible. Maybe we’d be Fifth, butno onewould be able to deny that my pack had left its mark on our progeny.

No one else in the breeding swarm would get these kills. We’d keep them all for ourselves. It would be enough to get revenge on Thuliak, but I had a little something else in mind. Something extra. The revenge cherry on top.

I slid the battle plans aside and pulled up another image. It was the image of a human woman. She had pale green eyes, golden hair with dark streaks running through it, and a body that oozed feminity. She was a woman I’d be happy to breed, but there was more to it than that.

Her name was Eve, and she was Thuliak’s. He’d made my pack Fifth in the breeding pack, but I’d be Second with his woman. I’d already decided it.

He had to keep her close, so I’d use the battle with the pirates to try to draw him out. Once his ship was in range of mine, I’d go for his woman.

Thuliak and I were very different men, and while I couldn’t stand his smug self-satisfaction, he was strong and cunning. I wanted my progeny to have that, but also my own ruthleness—and my huge balls wouldn’t hurt either.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction