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Then his cock started vibrating. I don’t mean that it was twitching or throbbing, but it wasvibrating, like really fast, right on my clit.

I exhaled. “Ahh!”

The word “wet” wasn’t enough to describe what was happening to me. I was a river. Why could I possibly—

He moved his cock down, right to my opening. Right to the mouth of the river. To the source of all that wetness. Suddenly I understood why I was so wet, because thatmassiveKhetar cock was about to go inside of me. Somehow.

He pressed in. I felt an intense fullness and splitting. There was pain, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It was a sore and full tightness, and just as the tightness became too much to bear, it passed. He slid further inside of me, and the pain of that tightness gave way until it felt more like a warm embrace. It was a union between the two of us. I was touching him all over, but from inside, and he wasinside my body. I opened my eyes, and was shocked to see that he’d only put the very tip inside of me.

“Are you ready, Little Human?”

My stomach dropped. I was terrified all over again. I thought we’d already done it, but he hadn’t even started.

“Thuliak, I—”

He didn’t wati for me to finish, instead he plunged his thick teal cock deeper into me, and I screamed.

There was no pain. Or if there was any pain, it hurt tso good that I didn’t remember it as pain. The last word I’d have expected to describe the feeling of a big organic thing like that pushing up inside my body was “sweet” but there was a true sweetness to the way it felt to have him so deep inside me. My wetness surrounded him, and each centimeter deeper he pressed inside of me slid slick and wet, and my hips started to move involuntarily so that I could feel even more of that sweet friction.

His powerful arms wrapped tight around my ankles, bolting them harder to his shoulders, and he thrust himself all the way in.

I screamed as his balls slapped against me and his massive cock filled me to the hilt. I tried to breathe, but my throat shut tight. My eyes rolled back into my head and my eyelids fluttered.

And then he started vibrating.

“MyGoddess!” I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Something moved, and a part of his cock pressed against the G-spot, the place his fingers had been earlier.

“Oh, oh,oh!” I screamed.

“A human cock cannot do that,” he said, and then he stopped talking and started fucking me like the breeding machine he was.

He gripped tight to my legs and pounded me. His cock slid all the way out, then rammed back inside of me so hard that our bodies slapped loud and sweaty together. When he pounded into me, my breasts heaved and my whole body shook. I screamed and moaned as he fucked me, but each time he buried himself all the way in, my voice caught. And whatever the hell his cock was doing to my G-spot just kept happening even as he fucked me. It was like it was grown or reshaped itself inside of me. Whatever part of his cock that was touching my G-spot was still connected to the rest of him, because Icouldfeel it jostling with each thrust, but it somehow was able to keep itself indepedently stable enough to not lose contact with that one little spot inside of me.

He pulled my legs apart so that they were spread wide, and Thuliak fell down on top of me, though he was still buried deep inside me. His perfect face was just inches from mine now though, and his hard abs pressed against my soft skin.

As his position shifted, so too did his cock. Whatever part of it that was touching my g-spot hit form a new angle, and I threw my head back. Thuliak’s tongue found my throat.

He licked me as he fucked me. I closed my eyes, and I truly began to understand what he meant about biology being grounded in cocks and kittens. Everything outside of the sensations between us disappeared. The mental stimulation was just as intense as the physical, but every little thing I was thinking and feeling in my head and heart was so deeply and intrinsicly connected to those physical sensations. It couldn’t be separated, just like Thuliak and I couldn’t be separated.

The feelings overwhelmed me. His cock was vibrating more intensely as he slid in and out. Something on his cock was stimulating my G-spot with even more precision than his fingers had. And then, as if that all wasn’t enough, somethingelsestarted pressingandvibrating against my clit.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I wrapped my hands and legs around his body. My nails and heals dug deep into Thuliak’s back. Every muscle in my body tightened and clenched, especially the muscles that gripped his cock. I squeezed him for all I was worth, and that’s when he grunted my name.

“Airlock!” His cock swelled inside of me, stretching me even more. And then even as wet as I was, I felt his seed spill inside of me. His cock exploded as the thrust, and I felt his thick, warm, alien cum pumping into me with each thrust.

I brought my lips up to his neck. I don’t even know why, but I bit his neck, and he laughed like a madman as his Khetar cock pumped me completely full.

We came together. I came like I’d never come before. Like I’d never dreamed it was possible to cum. Warmth and euphoria swept across me like a solar wind, stripping me of everything but pure, distilled sexual pleasure.

We collapsed together in a heap of sweat and cum. His seed was spilling out of me even though he was still balls-deep inside of me. I let go of my grip on his back only to find my nails were bloody from pressing into him so hard. My face was soaked with tears and drool.

A beautiful, glowing warmth was still there though even though the orgasm had passed, the pleasure was still there. It’s like it was impossible to feel sometingthatgood andthatintense without it lingering. I wondered just how long it would linger like that. How long would I feel this good even without Thuliak actually touching me or being inside me?

“How…” I whispered again, trembling.

“I told you,” He said, and wrapped his arms around me. “We are hard-coded to please.”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction