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He grinned wide and nodded. “Purely biological beings such as humans do not realize the extent to which their entire biology is grounded in their cock.”

“Or their kitties?”

He narrowed his eyes at me. Oh,shit, I wan’t supposed to tell him what we called it on Eden. I knew he’d—

He burst out laughing.

Yeah. I knew he’d laugh at me.

“Yourkitty?” he said. “That’s what you call it?”

I blushed and glared at him. “Shut up and talk about your cock.”

He gripped the base of his cock. “Take a human man. Give him a neural link that satisfies his every need, plug him into a simulated reality where everything he wants is his. Except for sex. What do you think happens?”

I laughed nervously. “It’s probably a lot like on Eden.”

Thuliak shook his head. “There could never be a male version of Eden. Men are driven much more by sexual urges. This hypothetical human man we speak of would not be satisfied. He could have all the money, all the entertainment, all the other forms of stimulation possible, but if you fail to stimulate his cock, in the long-term he would become extremely discontent and frustrated. The cock is his link to his biology. Many species try to become non-organic like our Hivemind, but they fail to weather the transition. Too much of their consciousness, wants, and desires are tied up in their cocks.”

“The Khetar managed it though?”

I was still soaking wet. I stil wanted him inside me. But it was like he said, I could tell that the immediate orgasm was gone, and he’d have to build me up again to it. I was looking forward to it while still being terrified of how much it might hurt.

He shrugged. “My cock is the grounding of my biological form. It’s the reason for this body. Men think not with their brain, but with their dicks. It’s always been this way.”

“So women are smarter?”

He scowled at me. “You think with your kitty, Airlock. Just not as much as men do.”

I blushed at hearing him use the ridiculous word. “I made it over two decades without doing it!”

“So what’s another night?” he asked, and began walking toward the wall, which was already opening.

“No!” I shouted, jolting upright and lunging forward. I even reached an arm out, as if I could ever stop him from moving if he wanted to.

He laughed and turned around. The wall shrunk back together. “You see? Your kitty is in control, Airlock.”

“Now,” he said, “lie back down, and I will finish teaching you about my cock.”

My chest tightened and I nodded and fell onto my back. I was ready to doexactlywhat he told me to do.

He walked toward the bed, stopping as it pressed into his legs. His cock was still hard as diamonds and throbbing. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“The Hivemind made us to breed,” he says. “Our cocks are better at pleasing women of any species than any other cock in the galaxy. It’s been programmed to react to your biology, Airlock. Without me even having to think about it, my cockknowswhat you want. Do you understand what that means?”

I found my gaze was on his fingers now. I was remembering how those had felt. He held his hand up and wiggled his fingers. “Yes, technically my entire body is capable of this, but it’s in my cock where the real magic happens.”

“Show me,” I whispered.

He moved, and then he was on top of me. I lay there, paralyzed beneath him. He wasn’t even touching me, but I felt pinned down having such a massively powerful man over me like that. His knees pressed down on either side of my hips.

He reached down and grabbed my legs. His grip slid down to my ankles, and he pulled my legs up. He pressed my legs against him so that my heels were on his shoulders. I was intensely cautious of the way my kitty was exposed, especially when he looked down at it with burning teal eyes. A low growl rattled in his throat.

Then I felt it touching me. There was just enough of a gap between my thighs that I could see his cock touching my kitty. I decided in that moment not to call it a “kitty” anymore—not even in my head—because it sounded absolutely ridiculous. We called it a kitty because we never had sex with it, but now that I was going to have sex, there was no way I could still call it that.

He rested the head of his cock on me, right where I was soaking wet. I moaned, and a shiver of pleasure ran up my spine. He moved his cock back and forth. It was coated in my wetness, and as he slid it up and down the outside of me, it stimulated my clit just right.

“Oh,” I said, mostly to myself. “Oh,wow.”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction