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“But you’ve never—”

“I told you. The Hive Mind,” he said, “it imparts us with this skill. This prowess. It’s more than in-born, it’s gifted to us from our higher selves.”

“So that’s why human men can’t be so good? And how the hell did you touch my g-spot like that?”

He nodded. “We have to be that much better. You remember what I said about the Great Seedings?”

Great Seedings? It must have been something he’d mentioned while he was making me cum with his hands that first time. I hadn’t really heard much of what he’d said then.

“Thuliak,” I whispered, “when you told me all of that, you were touching me in a way that made me think I was melting from the inside—like my heart had turned into the sun and was filling me with pure sunshine and rainbows. I don’t really remember what you told me about the Great Seedings.”

“Yes, you were more concerned with the Great Seeding which was about to happen inside your—”

I put a hand over his mouth. “Please don’t say that. It sounds—”

He laughed, grabbed my wrist, and pulled my hand away. “I wanted it to make you feel uncomfortable, Airlock, I’m glad it worked.”

“Why do you want me to be uncomfortable?”

“If I can make you uncomfortable,” he said, “then I know better what makes you feel good.”

It was a very compelling answer, especially considering that he’d just proven exactly how good he could make me feel. When I closed my eyes, I could still feel him inside of me, the way the tightness spread as he thrust in and out of my tight little hole. The way his cock seemed to reshape itself to please me.

“I’ll explain it to you again as you drift to sleep in my arms, Little Human, now listen closely…”

I pressed my back up against him as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. We both laid there on our sides, his thick cock half hard and pressed warmly up along my back. He told me of the Great Seedings and the purpose of the packships, and this time I remembered a lot more of what he said, but I did fall sleep before he finished.

* * *

In the morning,Thuliak had to go before I was ready to wake up. I was too sore and tired to move, let alone wake up. He kissed me on the lips, and he cupped my supple flesh with his thick hands beneath the blankets.

“I have to go lead,” he said, “wake when you’d like. There’s nothing that you need to do.”

“Am I free to leave the room?” I asked, nervous how he’d answer.

“No. The room will bring you what you’d like to have.”

“So I’m being held prisoner here?”

He pressed his lips tightly together and eyed me gravely. “Airlock, while I hope that no one in the pack is foolish enough to cross me, and I hope even more that they would all fear me too much to even consider it, you are not safe without me by your side.”

“That sounds very patriarchal.”

“I will protect you no matter what, Airlock. Now that we’ve bred, my honor as a scion is tied to you. To not protect you with every fiber of my being would show the rest of the pack that I don’t truly value the future of our pack and our progeny.”

“Why would anyone…” I said, but stopped when what he was getting at hit me.

“Yes,” he said, nodding. “Every scion has enemies. The strongest within my pack are the most likely to try to supplant me. If I gave you free movement in the ship, there’s a risk that…”

He trailed off, and met my eyes. He bit his lip.

“You can speak freely, Thuliak. I don’t want you to feel like you have to sugar-coat things around me.”

“It’s not sugar-coating,” he said, “it’s just that you don’t understand the dynamics of men. We fight each other more. We strive to rise above the pack. We sniff out weaknesses, we signal strength…”

“What does that mean for me?”

“One of my enemies might use you to start a fight with me.”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction