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He laughed. “Always so tightlipped about how you get the job done.”

“I received my payment. It’s more than we agreed.”

“Just a little bonus for all your hard work, Matthews. Can you think of anyone else who works for me who deserves it?”

He and I knew this was nothing about merit. My contract was ending soon. A fool could see he was trying to influence my decision to continue working for him.

“You don’t need to send me more than the agreed amount. I’ll return the difference, of course.”

“Of course.” He sounded amused. “I have to say, if your old man had half the integrity you do, I wouldn’t have had to terminate our dealings.”

He’d done more than that. He’d taken away the father of four kids who thought him to be their world. He would have done a lot worse too if I hadn’t agreed to carry on with the work my father had started for him. I worked for Luigi, but I had no illusion about the kind of man he was, nor the kind of man he’d made me.

“Keep your phone at hand, Matthews,” he said. “I’m going to need you again real soon.”

He hung up, and as usual, after speaking to him, I felt dirtier than the filthiest critter living under a stone. Maybe I should go to confession. It’d been a while. I didn’t necessarily believe in a God, but confession was the place to unburden all my misdeeds on someone else. For all the money smuggled through the church, Father McIntosh looked the other way.

If a clergyman who believed in hell was so easily corrupted by greed, what the hell kind of chance did I stand against fate?

I shut down my computer and made my way to my bedroom to take a shower. What were Kit and Liam doing? Liam was such a flirt, and it was obvious he found Kit attractive, but I trusted him. He would never make a move on Kit; we had a strict policy about not getting into bed with associates. It muddied the waters.

The long shower cleared my mind somewhat. I needed to end this year and a half of sex drought before I did something stupid where Kit was concerned. Instead of getting dressed, I grabbed my phone and opened the dating app where I’d found random hookups in the past. Women who didn’t expect anything from me but a night of fun and intensity. A pop-up came on my screen with a naked busty CGI character.


This could work for now until I found someone.

I clicked the link that took me to a porn website asking me to confirm my age. After I did, I needed to choose between straight and LGBT porn. My finger hovered over the straight porn option but then veered to the right, and I clicked the rainbow icon.

My mouth went dry, and I swallowed. I might as well see this through. Determined to prove a point to myself, I quickly selected gay porn, and several videos uploaded on the screen. I selected the first one, which was twelve minutes. Perfect. Not too long and not too short. Two men appeared on the screen and started kissing right away. I concentrated on their lips, the sounds they made, the way their hands grabbed at each other's clothes. Seven minutes later, when penetration started, my cock was semi-hard. Something was off, though. The sounds and the act were arousing, but I wasn’t turned on by either guy.

I clicked on two more videos. No. Nope. Oh, what was this? The thumbnail showed a slender young guy with a tattooed neck on his knees with a cock between his lips. My nostrils flared, and my heart picked up speed.

It wasn’t just Kit, then. Was there a type of guys I found attractive?

I moved my mouse to the video, but a message came in at the same time, and I clicked that instead. It was a photograph from Kit beaming up at the camera with a slice of pizza in his hand and his mouth opened wide. His eyes sparkled. I drank in every inch of him. My heart beat faster.

You sure you don’t want to join us?

I closed the message and tossed the phone aside, wiping my hand down my face. How could I have missed this before? I might not be so straight after all.

Tags: Gianni Holmes A Hitman's Bait Erotic