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"Because of Sebastian," Killian growls, irritation flaring in his gaze again.

The sight of it there annoys me. I didn't agree because of his twin, but because I can do a lot of good with a hundred grand, and because I want to help him help soldiers in need. But why should he care even if Sebastian was my reason? Before I can disabuse him of the notion that I agreed because of his brother, he stands up.

"I'll send the contract to you this afternoon," he mutters. "I expect you to be in first thing in the morning."

"I have other clients," I snap.

He ignores me, turning to Dom. "I need her first thing in the morning."

"We'll work it out," my boss says, the traitor.

Killian gives another of those infuriating nods and then strides toward the door.

I bite my tongue, resisting the urge to tell him to go to hell. Regardless of what he thinks about me and my reasons for agreeing, I still want to help. Too damn bad it means working with his crabby, sexy ass because I already know that's going to go so well.

"That went well," Dom says when the door clicks closed behind Killian.

I turn my glare on him, which makes him laugh loudly.

"What? It did."

"I'm not talking to you for the rest of the week," I sniff, rising to my feet and adjusting my top. "And I'm telling Summer you're a jerk."

"He likes you."

"Right." I roll my eyes at my boss. If that was Killian liking me, I'd hate to know how he acts toward people he doesn't like. "I guess I have things I need to do this afternoon since I'm reporting for duty first thing in the morning. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Dom is such a laid-back boss, it's not unusual for engineers to take time off to work on their own projects. Dom says it's good experience that benefits us all in the end. But usually there's a little more lead time involved.

"Yep. The networking project can wait. I don't think Killian can do the same." He grins at me, humor glinting in his emerald eyes.

"I hate you," I mutter, though we both know that's a lie. Dom took a chance on me when no one else wanted to hire a twenty-one-year-old college student with zero actual work experience. I love my job here and he's an incredible boss. Still annoying though.

"Have fun!" His laughter chases me from his office.

I can think of a lot of things working with Killian will probably be…but I don't think fun is among them. He's so…so ugh! Why does he have to be so hot and a jerk? And why did he seem so irritated about the fact that I know his brother?

Tags: Nichole Rose Claimed Romance