Page 16 of A Touch of Summer

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p; I scream when he stands up without warning, holding me in his arms. Water sluices off us, falling in a flood all around the bathtub. I barely have time to fling my arms around his neck before he's climbing out of the tub and grabbing a towel to drape around me.

"Where are we going?" I ask through laughter as he stomps through the bathroom, his brows furrowed like he's concentrating really hard on something. He does that a lot. Gets so focused on his goal that everything else ceases to exist for him. It's adorable.

"To get your ring." He sits me on the edge of the bed and kisses me hard on the mouth. "Do you still have the key?"

"Oh. Um." I glance around the bedroom but don't see it. I must have dropped it in the living room. I kind of lost track of it when he started kissing me. Actually, I think I lost track of everything when he started kissing me. My brain fogged over, the whole world narrowing down to just the two of us. I hop up and scurry toward the living room, smiling when he groans like I'm torturing him.

I love that he loves my body and makes no secret of it. He always used to look angry when he first spotted me every morning. Like he was annoyed with me for some reason. I know that's not the case now. He wasn't angry with me. He was fighting himself for control. He said jealousy eats him alive when other men look at me. That probably shouldn't make me love him more, but it does.

I find the key in the floor in the living room and scoop it up.

By the time I make it back to my bedroom, he's already pulling his slacks on.

I stop walking and shamelessly ogle him. His body really is incredible. The little trail of hair that disappears into his waistband sends heat twisting through me. My nipples harden.

He smirks at me like he knows exactly what I'm thinking about. I don't care though. For the first time in months, I feel like I'm allowed to think about him that way. I'm allowed to look at him and fantasizing about his hands on my body. Except I don't have to rely on dreams any longer. I know how good he feels on top of me. How big he feels when he's inside me. How incredible I feel when he's making love to me.

"You better get clothes on if you want your ring, sweet girl. Otherwise, I'm going to have you on your back again in about two seconds," he says, raking his heated gaze up and down my body. His eyes linger on my breasts and then on my mound. He licks his lips like he's remembering the way I taste on them.

I dart toward the closet when he takes a step in my direction. He chases after me, which has me screaming with laughter.

"No panties!" he yells when I slam the door closed before he can get his hands on me.

"Worry about yourself!" I yell back, laughing. God, I love that we get to have this. It's like the last two months never happened and we're right back to where we were before, when we teased each other and laughed and were friends. Except it's better this time. Because I belong to him now.

He's cum in me so many times at this point, I could already be pregnant with his baby. Or at least working on it. He's determined to get me pregnant as soon as possible.

I quickly pull on a bra and a gray maxi dress that hangs off one shoulder.

The door opens while I'm shimmying it on over my head.

"Pack a bag, sunshine," Dominic orders me, leaning up against the doorjamb. "I want you in my bed tonight."

"Okay," I agree easily enough, eager to see where he lives. I grab an overnight bag from the back of the closet and throw a few things into it. We're supposed to work tomorrow, so I grab stuff for work even though I'm not sure if we'll actually make it there or not. I barely managed to keep my hands off him long enough for him to call someone to come pick up all the flowers and deliver them to the nursing home a few blocks over.

His brows furrow, his lips twisting into a frown as he watches me pack. "When is your lease up here?"

"Um, not for a few months."

He steps into the closet and tugs the bag from my hands before grabbing an armload of my dresses and shoving them inside. He doesn't even fold them. He just crams them in the bag all willy-nilly, probably wrinkling them all up.


He holds the bag out of my reach and grabs several bras to add to the bag. He starts to zip it and then frowns and reaches into my panty drawer. He snags two pairs. His hand lands on my vibrator. He lifts it out of the drawer, his gaze bouncing from me to it and then back again.

My cheeks blaze with heat.

"You use this often, sweet girl?" he asks, his voice husky.


"Liar. I bet you've been using it as much as I've been jacking my cock," he says, smirking at me like he knows that I've used it almost nightly for months now. "You going to let me use it on you?"


"You going to let me watch you use it?"

Tags: Nichole Rose Romance