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Spencer started talking, but I didn’t listen. My thoughts were too loud, screaming at me, cursing me for being such a selfish son of a bitch, falling for a girl when I knew that nothing good could come from it. I should have fought harder. I should have packed my shit up the moment I realized Sienna would become a complication. I should have left the first time my cock hardened for her. When I felt my judgment falter because I was no longer thinking with my head…but with my heart.

“Turn right here.”

The traffic light turned red, but I stepped on the gas, tires screeching across the asphalt. I didn’t give a fuck that other cars had to hit their brakes as I ran the red light. There was only one thing I cared about right now, and that was finding Sienna. Alive and unharmed.

“There,” Spencer exclaimed. “There’s her car. Turn in here.”

I pulled up and double-parked behind Sienna’s car, not bothering to switch off the ignition. “Sienna!” I yelled as loud as I could as I jumped out of my truck. “Sienna!”

People stopped to stare at me, children scattering to get as far away from me as possible. The sun was setting, and we couldn’t lose any daytime if we wanted to find her before dark.

I circled her car, searching for any sign of her. “You have a spare key?” I asked Spencer, and he shook his head.

Tearing off a piece of fabric from my shirt, I wrapped it around my fist before slamming it against the window. The shatterproof glass proved hard to crack, and it took a few hard swings before I could break it.

Pieces of glass fell around my feet, and I reached inside, unlocking the doors and getting in behind the wheel. Sweat beaded at the back of my neck and trickled down my back. I could feel the vein in my neck pulse.

Her phone was on the passenger side seat, and my heart plummeted to my feet. This started to look more and more like my suspicions could have been right. They left her car and phone behind so she couldn’t be tracked. There were so many people walking around in the park; one could easily get lost within the crowd.

“Motherfucker!” I cursed and slammed both my fists into the steering wheel, a frenzy of fear, panic and goddamn anger clawing at my bones and tearing at my flesh. This was all my fault. Sienna was gone, maybe even hurt.

Or worse.

The thought alone suffocated me. It was like a rope around my neck, tied and tightened, and I was hanging ten feet above the ground, waiting for the air to stop filling my lungs.

Where would I start looking for her? If my suspicions were correct, I wouldn’t be able to find her unless they wanted me to. This was all a ticking fucking timebomb, and I was waiting for the deadly blow. The last time I felt this helpless was the night my heart got torn from my chest, and my life ended.

You knew she’d get hurt.

I thought it could be different.

You should have known better.

I fell for her.

And now she’s gone. Because of you.

I never meant for her to get hurt.

But she did. And it’s all your fault.


Silas came riding in with Cleo on his black Ducati. “Tell me you found her.”

“Not yet.” I slammed the car door closed. “Cleo, did you see her?”

“No.” She took off her helmet. “I searched the entire park when I waited for her earlier. I didn’t even realize her car was here.”

“Did you see anyone suspicious?”

She slanted a brow. “Describe suspicious.”

“Foreigners. Sicilian, suit and tie assholes who walk around acting like they own the fucking air your breath.”

“Oh.” She got off the bike. “I definitely haven’t seen any of those around. I would have noticed.”

“Jesus!” I slammed the back of Sienna’s Audi. Frustration, panic, worry—it was a toxic mixture that fucked with my head. I scanned the park. “If Sienna were here, someone would have seen her.” With her flaming red hair and renaissance beauty, I highly doubted that anyone could have missed her. “Silas, you and Cleo take the left. Spencer and I will start this side. Ask around. See if anyone’s seen her.”

Spencer jogged to the nearest group of people, and I just stood there. Suddenly I couldn’t fucking move. As I stared at the crowds of people—families, children, young people—fear slithered up my spine and wrapped around my chest, compressed and heavy.

If anything had to happen to Sienna, if she got harmed in any way…my own little corner in hell would be waiting for me.

And I’d go willingly.

Tags: Bella J. Romance