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An uncomfortable silence settled between Andrew and me. If it weren’t for the music, I’d probably scratch my eyes out just to make it stop.

“I’m sorry,” I started. “My brothers like to use me as a conversation starter.”

He snickered. “I can see why, though.”

It was an innocent response, but I picked up on the flirting that dripped off his words.

To keep it casual, I responded with a simple smile, rubbing the stem of the crystal champagne flute.

Once Spencer returned, the conversation flowed easily, and the three of us ended up having a great time. Andrew turned out to be a really funny guy once I got comfortable around him. Even Spencer seemed to have lost the stick up his ass, easing up a bit and having a good time.

“I need a refill. I’ll be back.” I was still smiling while walking toward the house entrance when Noah stepped in next to me.

“You seem to be having a good time.”

I paused and looked up at him with a furrowed brow. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Just an observation.”

“Oh,” I turned to face him, “like the observation you made in the kitchen yesterday when you decided that if we—I dunno—had sex, it would be a mistake?”

“You’re pissed at me.”

“Oh my God. You do make great observations.” Sarcasm lapped from my mouth, and he snorted.

“Seriously though,” I started. “It’s no big deal. You’re obviously not that into me. Nothing happened, so there’s no need for us to hover around each other. Now, go have fun. Mingle.”

I turned to walk off when he wrapped his fingers around my wrist. Fire erupted across my skin, and my breath hitched as he pulled me closer. “You think I stopped it from going any further because I’m notintoyou?”

“Whatever, Noah. Like I said, it’s no big deal. Let’s just move the fuck along, okay?”

I tried to pull away, but he merely tightened his grip around my wrist and forced me closer—so close, I had to crane my neck to look him in the eye.

“You have it wrong. In fact…you couldn’t be more wrong.”

It was the hardest thing to do, looking into his eyes and pretending like I wasn’t one breath away from drowning in them. I could barely breathe through the attraction that pulsed between us, the sexual tension nothing short of palpable. But I’d be damned if I allowed him to make a fool of me one more time.

I lifted myself up on my toes, clenching my jaw and looked him in the eye. “I don’t. Care.”

“Is that why you’re flirting with your brother’s friend?” There was the tiniest hint of jealousy in the tenor of his voice, the look in his eyes intense and intoxicating. I fucking loved it. The jealousy. With Oakley, I feared it…but with Noah, I wanted more of it.

I inched closer, bringing my lips a breath away from his chin. “You don’t want me, remember? And if a girl wants to play,” I brushed my nose against his jaw, “then she has to find a willing participant.”

Cold eyes remained etched on mine as I took a step back. This time he let me go when I tore my wrist from his fingers, and I made sure not to linger for another second, afraid I’d lose my confidence and determination to show him that I felt nothing. That his touch didn’t just turn my skin to embers, and that my pussy wasn’t throbbing for him. Only him.

I searched the crowd for Cleo, but it only took me two seconds to realize that she’d probably disappeared with Andrew since sparks were flying all over the goddamn place between the two of them.

After pouring myself another glass of champagne, I was about to turn and do another round between the guests when Oakley abruptly stepped in front of me.

I jolted and almost spilled my champagne. “Jesus. What the fuck are you doing?”

“You know we still need to talk.”

“No. We don’t.”

I tried slipping past him when he inconspicuously reached for my elbow, pulling me closer. “Yes. We do.”

“What is it with everyone grabbing my goddamn arm tonight? Can a girl not drink her champagne in peace?”

Tags: Bella J. Romance