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Chapter Forty


There should bea law against me cooking. In fact, I should get banned from all kitchens everywhere. I couldn’t cook for shit. But one thing I did know how to make was pancakes.

Sienna came walking out of the bathroom, her wet curls hanging down in front of her shoulders, causing wet spots on the t-shirt she wore. My t-shirt. My girl.

“You can make pancakes?” She cocked a brow.

“I can.”

“You could have told me this the day I served you rubber disguised as pancakes.”

I flipped the pancake and placed it on a plate on the table. “I didn’t know how to make it then. It’s a newly acquired skill.”

She sat down and frowned as she studied me. “How new?”

I turned my back on her, pouring batter into the pan. “Like, new new.”

“As in, you learned how to make pancakes during the past couple of weeks?”

“Something like that.”

Silence followed, and I knew her mind was working overtime, thinking about why I’d learn how to make one of her favorites during the time we weren’t together.

I cleared my throat. “I guess I wanted to do something that reminded me of you.” I turned to face her. “Smelling and eating pancakes reminds me of you every fucking time.”

It was unmissable, the way her expression softened, those green eyes radiant with affection. “If it weren’t for you learning how to make pancakes during the time I was trying to pick my heart up from the floor, I’d be really fucking impressed right now.”

I snickered and placed another one on the pancake stack, then drenched it in syrup. The sugary sweet scent burst through the kitchen as it melted down the hot pancakes.

“I would love to act like a woman counting calories, but I’m starving right now.” She grabbed two pancakes and poured more syrup over them until it pooled in her plate.

I watched her as she ate, her tongue darting out now and then to lick her lips, then rolling the food around in her mouth, softly moaning in appreciation. “These are so good.”

“Everything is good when I’m involved.” I winked, and she slanted a brow.

“Careful there. You’re still sexy. Overconfidence might just fuck that up.”

I sat down and leaned back in my seat. “Say that again when you have my cock in your mouth.”

Her throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Yeah, I have nothing to counter that with.”

“Good. Now shut up and finish your breakfast.”

And she did. In fact, I didn’t think I’d ever seen her eat that much before. She was talking and eating, smiling and laughing, and I finally caught a glimpse of the girl I had fallen in love with. The girl who took everything in her stride; strong, confident, breathtaking.

She wiped her mouth with a paper napkin and placed it on her plate. “These pancakes are a real close second to my mom’s.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Both of us got up simultaneously, and she started gathering the dishes, but I took her hand and squeezed it tight. “Sit down. I got this.”

“I can help.”

“It’s okay. I want you to relax.”

Lifting herself on her toes, she pecked my cheek. “Thank you,” she murmured, dragging her fingertip along my jaw. That simple touch sent a shiver down my back, her kiss lingering on my flesh. If I had the power to make the rest of the world disappear so it’s only us, I’d do it. All I needed was her.

Tags: Bella J. Romance