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Cayla shook the negative thought away. It’s possible that she was seeing his schedule for what it really was in his day to day life. Something was off; she just couldn’t place it.

“Hello! Where did you go?” Natalia was snapping her fingers in Cayla’s face.

“Sorry. I fell into deep thought. I have a lot on my mind.”

“Really?” Natalia asked with a head tilt. “I would think you would have less on your mind now that you are liberated.”

“Me, too…”

“Come on. What is it?” Natalia prompted.

“It’s just I don’t know what’s going on with Dex.”

Natalia furrowed her brows as they moved into her office and settled into chairs. “In what way?”

“Well, you know he pursued the hell out of me, and now that I’m a willing participant, he’s in his own world.”

“Did you ask him what’s wrong?” she inquired around a bite of her banana.

“No. I’m not sure what to ask. We’re not a couple and when we do have sex, it’s still spectacular. I ask him if everything is fine at work, and he says it is. He had to stay there for a week and a half during renovations and I can’t prove it, but I’m sure he created reasons not to be there with me. And he shrugs off any sort of affection outside of sex. When his place was finished, he left like his ass was being chased. It’s almost like Jackson with better sex.”

“Not exactly. Jackson was your boyfriend. You said yourself you are not a couple, so it’s hard to expect couple like things from him. Do you want to be a couple?”

Natalia’s question washed her body with confusion. Did she want to be a couple? “I don’t know,” Cayla answered honestly.

“Maybe he can sense that. Dex is crazy perceptive,” Natalia pointed out as she tossed her peel in the trash. “Just ask him his thoughts on your relationship, but you have to have your own thoughts, too.”

“May…” Cayla lost her thought because a blindingly attractive man peeked his head into the office. “hot damn,” fell out her mouth before she could stop it.

His slightly full lips parted into a brilliant smile that shone in his light brown eyes. His hair was a wild mane of brown waves that fell a little past his shoulders. His loose muscle shirt displayed one hell of a beach body. His six-one frame filled the door as he leaned to the right casually crossing one muscular leg over the other.

“Guess who’s back!” he announced to Natalia in smoky accented English.

“MAX!” Natalia yelled and pulled him into a warm hug.

“Cayla, this is my cousin Maximiliano.”

Cayla jumped up and shook his warm hand. “Hello, Max. You are very easy to look at.”

Max laughed, his sexy chuckle filled the office. “So are you, Cayla. It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Max? Max? Are you really here?” Cayla watched as Max’s features softened and smile deepened before he turned to the source.

“Chloe!” he exclaimed before crushing a gorgeous dark brown woman in a big hug. She was tall and petite. Her outfit was a flawless designer number from head to toe.

“Who is that?” Cayla whispered to Natalia.

Natalia scrunched up her nose and rolled her eyes. “Chloe.”

“Chloe, you know Natalia. This is her friend Cayla.” Chloe pasted a fake smile on her face, but her eyes sized up Cayla. “Cayla, this is my best friend Chloe.”

“Best friend, huh?” Cayla uttered right before being ushered out by Natalia.

“Good to see y’all, we have a nail appointment.” It was a true statement, but still an abrupt exit for Natalia.

“You don’t like her, do you?”

Natalia shrugged. “I don’t trust her. She’s married. She has a whole husband, but she looked at you like you were trying to take her man. And by man, I mean Max.”

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic