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He was gone without a goodbye. Dex heard Cayla giggle. Yes, his dad is where he’d learned his phone etiquette.

“I’ll leave y’all to wrap up or whatever. Felix and Cayla grab your stuff; let’s go. Lester, it looks like Justin is your best man here. Take the time to learn from him, or I can take him as well…”

“No need, Dex. I don’t like being ignored, threatened, and publicity disrespected.” He grabbed his things and rose from the table.

“Justin…” Lester began.

“No, Lester. You went too far. I told you when you hired Craig that Cayla or Felix should have had his position. You didn’t listen. I gave him Cayla to help his team, and he used and mistreated her. I would think me being here for twelve years would mean something to you; it doesn’t. They were your strongest analysts, and I am your longest-standing supervisor, yet you were ready to get rid of us behind your nephew’s bullshit! I’m no one’s pawn.”

“In that case, I expect the same package for Justin, as well. Write it down.” He pointed at Sheryl again before returning his attention to his liberated employees. “Let’s go you three; lunch is on me.”

Chapter 24

Cayla’s hands shook as she packed up her desk. Her adrenaline still had her heart pumping rapidly. Craig had just finished gathering his things when they’d gotten back to their desks. He slammed the door to his office and stomped off while glaring at them. Some of his team clapped and thanked Dex for Craig’s departure. Her body hovered in a space void of emotion. Of course, when everything died down, she would fully understand what she should be feeling.

She was in the action portion of her mind and that meant packing up and getting the hell out of Tech’s Tec. Loaded down with their things, the four of them piled up on the elevator for the last time. Something wiggled free in Cayla’s mind. She turned to Felix; his mouth smiled, but his blue eyes were wide with shock. He must be stuck in the same space as Cayla.

“Felix?” He focused his attention on her when she spoke. “I…” she paused and tried again. “Until this moment, I didn’t think I had any true friends. Thank you.”

Felix laughed. “Hell, yeah, I’m a true friend. Who else would be willing to get fired with you?”

Everyone laughed as the elevator came to a halt. Dex swiped the box from Cayla’s hand.

“I have to run. Meet me at The Food Lab; food and alcohol are on me. Y’all deserve it.” He was gone just as abruptly as he stormed into the building.

The drive over allowed everyone to process their thoughts privately and come to terms with their decision by the time they’d sat down at the table. Dex had already supplied bread with butter, water, and appetizers. The man himself was nowhere to be found. Cayla excused herself and after a brief chat with Janice, she was on the hunt. It was obvious Felix and Justin were happy with their decision and were now content enough to eat. Not her.

She couldn’t eat because the way Dex stormed into her job and saved her, looking like walking sex, replayed continuously in her head. Her favorite part was how he made his demands. In the island of the conference room, he’d owned the company and made the decisions, he told Lester what he was going to do. Her body was heated. The power and confidence he exuded in the conference room were the same qualities he’d brought to the bedroom. He’d charged in, shook up shit, and went back to work like nothing happened.

Praying he was alone, she knocked on his office door. She was so hot for him she couldn’t stand it any longer. He yelled for her to enter, and she pushed in with only one thing on her mind.

The office door swung open with more force than necessary. Shocked, Dex jerked his head up to find the cause of the commotion. Cayla stood there with her eyes blazing. Her chest heaved under the bodice of her dress as if she ran the entire way to this office.

“Hey, I was just about to join y’all for lunch…” Dex started before she shook her head violently then closed and locked the door.

Dex’s cock received the message, and he was rounding the desk in seconds. He honestly didn’t know what to expect. He’d hoped that she would understand his actions were for her own good, but her reaction was by far the best-case scenario. He captured her in a kiss; she growled against his mouth. Impatient hands tugged at his belt while he ripped away her panties. His clothes fell around his ankles as he pinned her to the door. Cayla thrashed and squirmed under him as his mouth tasted her neck and collarbone. His dick begged for contact, and Dex didn’t make it wait.

“Mmm. Yes. Just like that,” Cayla hissed when Dex buried himself inside of her.

Dex grunted in response. Cayla was so wet for him, it blew his mind. Moving off the door he pressed her against the wall adjoining his private bathroom. No witnesses. Dex crouched deep then slammed into her. Cayla mewed, her nails sinking into his biceps and heels digging into her back. Dex parked his feet further apart to drill into Cayla. He wouldn’t last long. He couldn’t last long. Her desire for him caught him off guard and made him burn brighter. Cayla’s body started to shudder. He sealed his mouth over hers to taste her moans, but she got his instead because her body clamped down on him deliciously when she started to cum. Dex followed, chanting her name against her lips as the last drops of his desire shot into her body.

It took them a few minutes to catch their breaths and return to earth. Cayla disappeared into his bathroom to clean herself, and Dex slunk into one of the chairs with his pants still at his ankles he was so spent. He closed his eyes for a moment only to feel a warm towel wiping him up. He moaned at the sensation and stilled her hand.

“Go eat. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Cayla nodded and slipped back into the restaurant. After redressing quickly, Dex leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. He took a few deep breaths to control his heart rate. The racing had nothing to do with the sex and everything to do with his thoughts. He’d fallen for her. Despite all the crazy arguments and mood swings, his heart chose her. He hadn’t fully realized it until he’d gotten off the elevator with Felix and witnessed Craig’s terrible behavior. He’d never been so angry and capable of committing murder in his life. He knew then that he’d do everything in his power to protect her.

Unfortunately, this was one of those things he had to keep to himself because she still had a long way to go. Nick had created the narrative in his head that his love would run off Kalilah, but Dex knew it would be true for Cayla. The only thing he could do right now was get out of his feelings and go join them for lunch.

Chapter 25

“Tell me about your trip to California?” Cayla begged as Natalia unlocked the gym. “Was it all Hollywood and hot stars.”

Natalia blushed a little but shook it off. “No. I didn’t meet a single celebrity. Traffic is crazy, and the hood parts outline the nice parts. I would go again, though. There is still so much to see.”

Cayla wanted to travel and outside of the few girls’ trips they’d had, she hadn’t been anywhere cool. They did go to Vegas once, but that was it. Either way, they had a lot of catching up to do. It had been two weeks since she was rescued from the gates of hell, but she couldn’t help but notice her rescuer was becoming more guarded. Sure, he’d stayed with her while his place was being renovated which gave them a lot of exposure to each other, but she feared he was tiring of her. The sex was still crazy, but it wasn’t as often as she would have

hoped since he found a million reasons to be away from her.

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic