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“Your dad’s still away, right?” I ask though there is really no need. Simon Lancaster is rarely home anymore. It’s like he’s forgotten his son even exists, and I want to beat the shit out of him for his neglectful treatment of his only child. But it’s old news, and Reeve is used to his father’s lack of regard for him by now. That’s not to say it doesn’t hurt him. Of course, it does, but he’s gotten better at ignoring the harsh truth of his reality. The fact is, Reeve’s dad checked out of his life the minute he was born, which coincided with the moment his beloved wife, Felicia Lancaster, left this world.

I don’t understand how Simon can ignore the only part of Felicia that still survives. Shouldn’t he want to cherish and love his son because he’s all that is left of his wife? Instead, he’s married to his work, and his son is an afterthought. If my parents hadn’t stepped up, Reeve’s childhood would have been an isolated and lonely existence.

I press myself tighter against him, clinging to him fiercely, kissing him passionately as I funnel all the love in my heart into him.

“Jeez. Get a room,” Alex says, his smug tone underscoring his words, and we reluctantly break our hungry lip-lock.

“I fully intend to,” Reeve replies, while I unwind my legs from his slim waist. He snakes his arm around my back, keeping me flush against him as I rest my head on his chest.

“Does this mean you got the part?” Audrey asks. Warmth spreads across my chest at the obvious delight in her voice.

“I did.” Reeve straightens up, beaming from ear to ear. “I got it.”

Audrey squeals, shoving me aside so she can hug my boyfriend. She’s lucky I love her like a sister and I know she has zero interest in my man. “That is awesome, Reeve. I’m glad to see all your hard work has paid off.”

“Congrats, dude.” Alex raises his arm, his fist clenched, and they do some elaborate manly handshake. “You deserve it.”

I snuggle into Reeve’s side, pressing my lips to his neck and sighing.

“Party at my place tomorrow night,” Reeve says, waggling his brows. “We’ve got some celebrating to do.” His hand slides down over my jean-clad ass as he leers. “And I intend to start the celebrations right now.” He squeezes my ass before his lips melt against mine. His kiss is urgent and demanding, and I feel it all the way to the tips of my toes.

Alex snorts. Audrey laughs, and I squirm on the spot, my body tingling in delicious anticipation.

Abruptly, he rips his lips from mine, digging his hands into my hair. “If I don’t stop, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” he rasps. His lust-filled eyes roam over my body like a sensual caress, and he’s not the only one having trouble with self-control.

I’m seconds away from begging him to fuck me.

“Let’s get out of here.” I nip at his earlobe. “I want to reward you for being the sexiest, hottest, most-talented actor on the planet.”

“What aboutmyreward, babe?” Alex nuzzles his nose into Audrey’s neck.

“You have to do something to earn a reward,” Audrey quips, quirking a brow as she tucks her hand into the back pocket of Alex’s jeans.

“I think I deserve a reward for that thing I did with my tongue in the supply closet at lunch.” He winks, and I laugh as my bestie’s cheeks flush pink.

“You got action in the supply closet at lunch? I’m jealous.” I fake pout.

“Don’t be jealous, babe. I have some tongue tricks of my own,” Reeve says before plunging his tongue into my ear.

I shriek, jumping away from him. “That’s not the kind of tongue action I was after.”

“I know exactly the kind of tongue action you want.” He grips my hips, hauling me against his hard body. “Get your delectable butt in my car, and I’ll show you that much quicker.”

My panties flood with liquid warmth, and my legs almost go out from under me. “I drove this morning, so I’ll have to follow you in my car.”

Reeve tilts his head to the side, eyeballing his best friend as they silently converse.

Alex flips his palm out. “Hand the keys over, princess. I’ll drive your car home, but you owe us.”

“Thanks, man.” Reeve raises his fist for a knuckle touch.

“I’ll call you later to make plans for tomorrow,” Audrey says, as Reeve opens the passenger door of his Porsche.

“Cool.” I give my bestie a quick hug as Reeve takes my bag from Alex. “See you guys, later.”

I climb into Reeve’s car, and he shuts the door before running around and sliding in behind the wheel. Leaning over, he kisses me again. “I still can’t believe it. It feels surreal. Like I’m dreaming.”

I pinch his arm.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance