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Ihate to admit it, but Saffron is even more beautiful in real life, even if she’s heavily made up and wearing the tackiest designer dress with matching wedge heels. Her long jet-black hair is thick, glossy, and smooth, her complexion is flawless, her big, blue eyes draw you in, and she has enviable curves in all the right places. I’m taller than her, even in my flip-flops, but what she lacks in height she makes up for with confidence. Her tight-fitting red minidress leaves little to the imagination, and her large boobs are almost spilling out of the top.

I understand some of the vitriol I’ve seen directed at her online by fans of the series. While she has Abby’s dark good looks, she doesn’t have the lithe, small-chested, dancer’s body as described in the books. It’s clear the studio decided to take a gamble on displeasing the die-hardRydeville Elite series fans in the hopes Saffron’s notoriety and sex appeal will endear her to the wider audience. She also has a loyal, core following of her own who defend her to the nth degree anytime anyone accuses her of being miscast.

Holding her head up high, she flashes me a toothy smile, and I have a sudden urge to rip every strand of hair out of her head. Without warning, she digs her elbow into Rudy’s side. “Thanks for leaving me with the luggage, doofus.”

“Dude, you never…” Reeve’s voice trails off as he strides down the tiled hallway toward us. His eyes widen as he whips his head to look at me. Panic is etched across his face, and I’m glad he knows this is a problem. “Saff, what are you doing here?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

Saff?Are you fucking kidding me?! Anger mixes with hurt at the obvious familiarity between them.

“Surprise!” Rudy says, his eyes bouncing between me and Reeve as he suddenly realizes he might have made a boo-boo.

Dropping the cases on the floor, Saffron flings her arms around Reeve’s neck, and I dig my nails into my palms while grinding my teeth to the molars. “Aw, don’t pretend like you didn’t miss me,” she says, as Reeve quickly shucks out of her embrace.

I move over to him, slinging my arm around his waist. Reeve’s arm automatically encircles my shoulders, and I suction myself to his side while trying to restrain from snarling at the bitch who is still standing way too close to my man.

“You two are so cute; bucking the trend for childhood sweethearts,” she says, grinning.

“What trend is that?” I ask, tightening my hold around Reeve.

“Most high school sweethearts split up by the time they graduate.” She keeps the fake smile glued to her face while she stares at me.

“I think you’ll find that’s bullshit, and couples who get together in high school are less likely to divorce than couples who meet under other circumstances.” According to the report I read online, less than two percent of couples who marry are high school sweethearts, but they stand a higher chance of success than couples who didn’t meet in high school. Not that I’m admitting I googled this shit during dark moments a few months ago when I was beginning to doubt if Reeve and I would last the distance.

“Sounds like someone has done their research.” She plants her hands on her hips, licks her lips, and smiles at Reeve. “What about you, movie star? Have you done your homework?”

Movie star. Blech.

“Knock it off, Saff,” Rudy says.

She laughs, tilting her head to the side and bracing me with a wide smile. “Relax, Rudes. Viv knows I’m just teasing.”

“My name is Vivien. Only my close friends call me Viv,” I say through gritted teeth, digging my nails into Reeve’s side.

“My bad.” She pats my arm in a condescending fashion before looping her arm through Rudy’s. “Let’s get this party started. I’m in dire need of a drink.”

They wander off toward the kitchen while I drag Reeve into the nearest room, which happens to be the study, and shut the door.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” I hiss, pacing the hardwood floor while blood boils in my veins.

Reeve throws up his hands. “I didn’t invite her. I swear. This is all Rudy’s doing.”

“I want her to leave,” I say, fisting handfuls of my hair. “I already cannot stand her, and there’s no way she’s ruining the last three days of our vacation.”

“Viv.” Reeve stalks toward me, reeling me into his arms. “I know you don’t like her, and I understand why, but maybe this is a good thing.”

I arch a brow, because surely, he’s not that stupid?

“I can’t kick her out, babe. She’s my costar, and it would cause tension between us on set. I know she’s a big flirt, but she flirts with everyone. She’s not interested in me, I promise.” He clasps both sides of my face. “She’s fun, and if you give her a chance, you’ll see that.”

“I very much doubt it.” I know her sort, and whether Reeve wants to believe it or not, she wouldn’t think twice about screwing him, girlfriend or no girlfriend. “And it’s not just whether she wants you. She spent months kissing and making out with you on set.” Even the thought of her hands or her lips anywhere near Reeve sends me into a blind rage. I don’t know how I’m going to sit through the premiere and not want to hurl.

“Viv, you seriously can’t hold that against me? It’s my job, and it meant nothing to either of us.” He cocks his head to the side, examining my face.

I know I’m being irrational. I know actors and actresses have to act intimate with costars to play parts. I’ve seen my mom in sex scenes on the big screen and while it always makes me squirm, I know it’s not real. But this is Reeve, and the reality of him doing this is very different than the idea of it. “I know you were acting, Reeve, and I know I’ll have to get used to it, but I can’t help how I feel.” My eyes fill up. “I hate thinking of her with you like that. It makes me sick, and I really don’t need my nose rubbed in it.”

“Do you think I like being around Nate knowing his lips have touched yours and he most likely jacks off to visions of you on your knees?”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance