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“Well, what did she say?” I ask when Reeve rejoins us at the pool. His dad is away again, so we’ve spent the first week of summer break hanging out at Reeve’s house. Reeve is recharging his batteries after an intense three months of nonstop work, and I’m enjoying chilling out after exams and graduation and just being with Reeve. Waking up every morning wrapped in his strong arms is the best remedy, and gradually, all the frustrations of the past few months are slipping away.

Audrey and Alex are presently frolicking in the pool, while I’m stretched out on a lounger, sipping the homemade lemonade Mrs. Thompson, the housekeeper, left in the refrigerator for us.

“She admitted it but won’t apologize.” Bending down, he pecks my lips before collapsing on the lounger alongside me.

I snort. “That sounds about right. Bianca is a piece of work.” I didn’t want to accost Reeve with the details of his agent’s nasty little chat with me the instant he came home, so I left it a few days before finally mentioning it last night. He was fuming, and he left her a heated voice message, demanding she return his call, yet he’s only just managed to speak with her. Either that demonstrates where he fits on her priority list or she was giving him time to cool down.

“I’ve told her if she pulls a stunt like that again I’m terminating my contract.” He swipes his beer bottle off the ground and brings it to his lips.

Sitting upright, I remove my sunglasses so I can look him in the eyes. “I thought you were going to terminate it now.” At least, that’s what he said last night when he lost it after I told him every horrid word she’d said to me.

He grimaces before swinging his legs to the side and reaching out for my hands. “I can’t, babe.”

I mirror his position, and our knees touch. “You can. You know Mom already spoke to Margaret and she’s interested in signing you. She is the best in the industry, and your career will be in safe hands with her.”

“I can’t walk away from Bianca now, Viv.” His eyes blaze with excitement, and my stomach dips.

“What don’t I know?”

“They’ve just offered me a contract for the next two movies!” Flames of delight dance in his eyes while that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach churns faster. “Bianca is negotiating terms, but it’s looking like a done deal. I’m sorry, babe. I know you don’t like her, and I’m not happy she was rude to you, but I can’t change representation in the middle of all this.”

“They’ve decided to make more movies in the series already?” I ask, struggling to share his excitement amid the pain eviscerating me from all angles. “The first movie has only just wrapped, and it’s not premiering until January.”

“The studio commissioned reports from industry analysts who predict outcomes, and all the indicators point to this movie being a massive success. The buzz has been steadily building since the news first broke of the adaptation and it’s showing no sign of slowing down.” He can’t contain his grin, and I hate that I can’t be happy for him because I know what this means for us.

“When does filming start?”

“November, and then we’ll be taking a break to promote the release before shooting restarts again next May.”

“So, it’s definitely going ahead?” I try to mask my distress, but his smile fades, confirming I’m hiding nothing.

He rubs circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. “The second movie definitely is. While I’ll sign a new contract, which includes both films, there is an opt-out clause with part payment if the first movie doesn’t perform as expected at the box office.”

“And when would the third film begin production?”

“Provisionally November of next year with a break for promotion of the second film, and then it will resume in April of the following year.”

That would be the end of the spring semester of our sophomore year. Between promotion and filming, Reeve is going to be extremely busy in the next two years. “What about UCLA?” I ask, even though I already know the answer.

“Babe.” He pulls me over onto his lap, snaking his arms around me. “I’m not going to UCLA.” He tilts my chin up with his finger. His features soften when he spots the upset on my face. “I know we had it planned, and I hate that I’m disappointing you, but this opportunity is too big to turn down. We both knew this was a possibility. Please say you understand?” he pleads.

My chest heaves as I struggle to phrase this in a way that doesn’t come across as selfish. “I know it’s a massive opportunity for you, Reeve, and Iamproud of you. You clearly impressed them, not that it’s a surprise. You’re destined for greatness. I still stand by that, but I can’t help feeling disappointed because thinking about college was basically the only thing that got me through these past three months.” I hook my arms around his neck. “You’ve already missed out on so much, and now you’re going to be gone for the next two years, and I’m scared.” Tears cloud my eyes, but I don’t disguise them. I want him to see how difficult this is for me. “I’m scared what this means for us. We will barely see one another.”

Taking my wrist, he presses a soft kiss on my delicate flesh. “Do you love me, Viv?”

My brow puckers. “What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, I love you!”

“And I love you.” He laces our fingers together. “I know it’s been rough, but we’ll get better at it. It’s been a big adjustment is all. Besides, you’ll probably be having too much fun to miss me.”

“Like you?” I snap, as my emotions get the better of me.

A muscle clenches in his jaw, and he drops my hand. “Don’t be mean, Viv. You know I missed you like fucking crazy. If you think I’m out partying every night and hardly thinking about you, you are sorely mistaken. It’s a lot of hard work. I’m up at six every day, and I fall into bed exhausted at midnight. The schedule is punishing, and we had little downtime. It’s not as glamorous as it might seem.”

I slide off his lap and sit beside him, worrying my lip between my teeth. Bile fills my mouth as I prepare to speak my mind. I don’t want to even think about this, let alone put a voice to it, but it needs to be said. “Would it be easier if we weren’t together?” Swallowing over the painful lump in my throat, I peer deep into his baby blues. “Is Bianca right? Are Audrey and Alex? Should I let you go so you can focus on your career?”

“No, Viv. Jesus, no.” He lies down, tugging me on top of him. “That is the last thing I want.” Clasping my nape, he pulls my face to his. “I can’t do this without you,” he whispers, brushing his lips across mine. “I don’t want to be without you. I know it will be hard, but not having you in my life would be infinitely harder.” Tears swim in his eyes. “I hate that you think I’d want that. You’re the love of my life, Viv. You’re my soul mate and the only woman I want by my side until the day I die. That hasn’t changed, and it’s never going to.” Banding his arms around me, he rests my head on his hot, bare chest. “Please don’t leave me,” he whispers. “You’re the one true constant in my life. The only one who fully understands me. The only one who loves me unconditionally. I can’t lose you, Viv. I couldn’t exist without you.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance