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He smiles, and I feel my nipples pucker, and my panties disintegrate into nothing. “I think you know that it has been recently. I would have been lost without you this week.”

A breath away from my lips, I breathe him in. “Okay.” His lips once again crash into mine. I could spend all day right here kissing this man. Just a few kisses and I’m already craving more.

He pulls back but not before placing a small kiss on my forehead, turning my insides to mush. I’m impressed that I haven’t just melted on the floor. What is so fucking sexy about forehead kisses?

With his hands perched on my hips, he tightens his grip. It’s as if he has to hold on to me in some way but stop himself from touching other places. It’s pretty sexy, and I would love to see Jaxon lose control.

“Go home and get some more sleep or do whatever you need to do. We’ll pick you up around eleven. That work?”

I nod, unsure if any words would even come out if I opened my mouth right now. I must be in shock. Am I agreeing to go on a date with Jaxon McAdams willingly? Well, a date with Jaxon and Andy—when dating a single dad, I assume that’s what plenty of dates will look like, and I have no issue with that.

Somehow, during my week of watching Andy, my anger toward Jaxon slipped. I saw him in a different light—the man that does everything for everyone else and nothing for himself. He finally took something for himself—me.

I exit the front door, heading back toward my house, and decide at the last minute to take one last look at Jax’s house over my shoulder and see him standing in the doorway, watching me leave. As I cross the street, I add a sway to my hips like I had on the first day we met. I heard his low-breathed curse before the door closes.

I pull my phone out and call my sister. I’m thankful I still have battery, even though I hadn’t plugged it in all night.

“He—hello?” she answers on the third ring.

Oh shit, right, it’s only five in the morning.

“Good morning,” I say as I cross the street.

“It’s five in the fucking morning on a Saturday, Katherine. You’re clearly fucking dying if you’re up and calling me this morning. So hang up and call 9-1-1.”

“But I have an emergency,” I whine.

“What is it?” Her voice is more awake at the moment than a minute ago.

“I kissed Jaxon.”

She groans into the phone. “We already established that at Christmas. Goodbye.”

“No, as in like right now.”

“At 5:00 a.m.? I’m shocked you’re even up, let alone kissing Jaxon, of all people.”

There’s some shuffling on the other end and hushed voices.

“Laur, you still there?”

“Kate,” Finn’s deep voice comes through the phone. “Look, I’m happy for you and my best friend finally getting your heads out of your asses. And I’m sure whatever it is you need from my sexy wife can wait until normal business hours. Until then, goodbye.” Click. Someone is grumpy this early in the morning.

I pull the phone back, verifying that he hung up. I scoff. “I can’t believe he fucking hung up on me.”

Doesn’t he know about twin code? I need her. He’s lucky my sister loves him so much and I hate to see her upset, or I’d be hopping in my car, heading over to their house, and beating his ass, maybe even burying him alive. That way, he can have a peaceful sleep.

How am I supposed to go back to sleep now that I’m flying high from that kiss? I do the only thing I can think of to calm my nerves since my sister or, well, her husband ever so rudely hung up on me at this hour—I head to my studio and paint my heart out.

Tags: Stefanie Jenkins I Never Romance