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Chapter 18


Thesoundofmy Keurig is like music to my ears this morning. Even though Jaxon isn’t leaving early for Denise’s and I got to sleep in a little longer than usual, I still tossed and turned in anticipation for today.

When I answered the phone last night, he was the last person I expected to be on the other end. Things have been strained between us, but he hasn’t tried to bring up the kiss anymore, for which I’m thankful. I worry that if he had, I would cave.

The desperation in his voice snapped something inside me, and I put aside our differences. The important thing here is Andy, and since he came into my life, I’ve found it hard to say no to him.

Once the coffee cup is full, I add a splash of vanilla creamer and caramel drizzle. I spin and rest against the counter, craning my neck from side to side.

I glance over at the time on the stove and see that Andy and Jaxon should be here shortly. I fight back a yawn. Somehow, I need to get my blood pumping.

An idea pops into my mind about how to wake up a bit more before they arrive.

“Alexa, play ‘Boogie Shoes.’”

The corners of my lips turn upward as she repeats the name of the song and the first few notes ring through the speaker.

Starting with the tapping of my foot, I take a few more sips of my coffee, slowly letting the music take over and flow through my veins.

I am so in the zone as I do my fancy footwork to the chorus. When I spin around, shaking my hands in the air, I look up and scream. I quickly cover my mouth with my hands and will my heart rate to slow down. “Oh my God, you guys scared me,” I gasp.

“For the record, we knocked, but you must not have heard,” Jaxon explains.

I stop the music and join them in the foyer.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, umm…” He pauses and purses his lips together. “Interrupt your practice for what? Dancing with the Stars?”

“Hardy har har,” I mock. “No, my sister-in-law says sometimes you need to dance it out to get your blood pumping.”

“Yeah, sure, okay. Well, your secret is safe with me.” He waggles his brows, clearly making fun of me.

“You’re an ass, you know that?”

“So I’m told. You keep reminding me often.” He smirks, and I just can’t decide if I want to kiss or smack that expression off his face.

“And you never deny it.” Instead of this playful banter, I turn my attention to Andy. “Hey, little man,” I ruffle the top of his head.

“Good morning, Miss Kate. You owe me a quarter for saying—” He cups his mouth and whispers, “Bad word.”

I laugh, knowing that by the end of the day, I will owe him a lot more, I’m sure.

“Ms. Denise is sick and gross.” He scrunches his nose. “Daddy says I get to hang out with you today.”

I crouch down in front of him, steadying my hands on my knees.

“You bet. Is that okay with you?”

He enthusiastically nods his head. Damn, can I channel even just the smallest amount of his energy without multiple cups of coffee?

“I have some cartoons on TV if you wanna go climb up on the couch”‚—I point behind me—“while I finish up with your dad.”

“Okay.” He runs off, but Jaxon clears his throat.

“Umm, excuse me, sir, are you forgetting something?”

“Oopsy,” he giggles. “Sorry, Daddy.” Andy runs into Jaxon’s open arms and bousch! My ovaries just exploded with cuteness overload when Jaxon lifts him into his arms.

“Be good, okay?” he says, placing a kiss on the top of his son’s head before setting him down.

Andy’s feet aren’t even fully on the ground before he rushes off, shouting, “Okay.”

Jaxon and I watch as Andy curls up on the couch and snuggles under my fleece blanket. The kid is just making himself at home.

“I hope you don’t mind, but he’s still wearing his pajamas. There’s a change of clothes in his backpack.” He holds up a Toy Story backpack, and I accept it.

“Not at all. I’m a tad bit jealous.”

“Me too,” Jaxon teases, and I rake my eyes over his dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves. Does he sleep in pajamas or possibly in the nude? Jesus, Katherine. Get yourself together. It’s too early for that shit. You are watching his kid, for God’s sake.

Jaxon looks down at the ground for a moment as if something is extremely fascinating. “So, do you do that often?”

My breath catches. Can he read my mind? Did he know I was thinking about him? Do I think about him often? All the fucking time. Folding my arms over my chest and sinking into my hip, I respond. “Do what?”

“Put on your boogie shoes.” He snickers, pressing his lips together to suppress his laughter, and shakes his hips a little just as I had moments ago. I want to officially crawl into a hole and disappear. Great, this asshole is so never going to let me live that down.

We stare at each other for a moment, neither saying anything.

“If this is too much, I can just figure something else out.” His eyes flick back and forth between his son and me, and he runs a hand over his stubbled jaw. He’s clearly used to doing all this on his own and not used to asking for help. I hate that for him.

I reach out and wrap my fingers around his bicep. Both of our eyes trail to where my dainty fingers are touching his arm. After a moment of lingering, I pull back, and he sighs as if he’s disappointed I pulled back. Honestly, so am I. But this is how it has to be. “It’s fine. I’ve got this, okay? Now, go to work before you’re late. Don’t need the boss writing you up,” I tease.

My breath hitches as he leans forward and presses his lips to my cheek. As he lingers a moment longer, I’m pretty sure my heart stops the entire time his lips are touching my skin. “Thank you.”

If I moved, even with just an inhale, his lips would be on mine. Jaxon slowly pulls back, and desire swirls in his eyes, just like in the alley.

“Right, okay then.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “Bye, buddy. Be good for Miss Kate.”

Tags: Stefanie Jenkins I Never Romance