Page 9 of State

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“Fuck, brother, that’s a good amount of time to get to know each other. Hell, maybe what she was feelin’ was scarin’ her, so she took off. Did you get her number?”

“Didn’t get the chance to.”

“What you gonna do?”


He smirked. “Never thought I’d see the day when State’s ready to chase.”

I shot him the middle finger. “She’s worth it.”

His brows shot up. “You’re sayin’ that after one night? Shit, I’ve been with Isla for nearly a month, and I’m not even sure she’s worth it. ’Specially now.”

“Then she ain’t.”

“That simple?”

“That simple. You know who is special—”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Just sayin’—”

“Not another word,” he clipped with a glower.

Christ, when was he going to get his head out of his ass about Dusty?

Luckily for him, or probably myself, because if I’d said more my life would be on the line, there was a knock on the door.

“In,” I called.

The door opened, and Lisa poked her head in. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yeah, babe. Come on in.”

She did and shut the door. When she walked over to the seat in front of my desk, she kept glancing from me to Country and back again. “Am I in trouble?”

“Not at all. Just gotta ask you some questions about a client.”

Her shoulders slumped, tension draining out. Hell, Country and I weren’t that intimidating, were we?

Lisa nodded. “Okay.”

“Ray Bond.”

Her long sigh said a lot.

“You had problems with him?”

“Well, no, not really. He’s a little obsessed. Tells me he loves me, wants me to quit here and marry him. Is he causing trouble with the business? I swear I haven’t encouraged him. I even told him I have a boyfriend who would kill him if he found out Ray was asking me to marry him.”

“Did you give Ray the name of your boyfriend?” Country asked.

She nodded and went a little pale.

“Lisa?” I pressed.

“I only said I was with you because you’re my boss. Well, the one who deals with me on my shift, and I panicked when no other name came to me. I’m sorry.” She dropped her gaze to her lap.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic