Page 10 of State

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“You told him I’m your man?” I asked, to be clear.

“Yes. Look, I can set him straight, but if I do and he finds out I don’t have a boyfriend, he’ll start pestering me about being with him. I don’t want him like that. Sometimes he pays me extra. I know you guys don’t mind if that happens with clients. But the bonus he gives me is the only reason I haven’t said anything or got you involved.”

Country and I shared a look. At least it explained why he was stalking me. He thought I was competition. But how far would he go to try and get rid of me?

“We’re gonna have to keep an eye on him, Lisa. He’s been seen outside the compound and my own home.”

She gasped, hand to her chest. “You’re kidding me.”

“I don’t kid about shit like that.”

Country drew her attention to him. “Lisa. Next time you have a session with him, let him know you and your fake boyfriend are having issues. That you might break it off with him soon. See how that goes.”

“And if it doesn’t help and he still stalks State?”

“Tell him you and State aren’t anythin’, and that you need time on your own because you’re totally heartbroken. During that time, we’ll get rid of him as a client. Doesn’t matter he’s a cop. He ain’t got different rules to anyone else here. We can end anyone’s access to Polished without an excuse. He signed the forms before joinin’, so if he tried anythin’, we’ve got that at our backs.”

“Okay. I’m really sorry about this.”

“Honey,” I started, “it ain’t your fault a man’s obsessin’ over you. But next time somethin’ like this happens, and a client gets too clingy, you need to tell us.”

“I will. I promise. I thought he’d get bored with me when he knows I’m taken and won’t quit.”

“Obviously not the case, but let’s see how this shit goes,” Country said.

“Got it. I’ll start by telling him we’re fighting first to see if he’ll stop showing up, right?”

“Yeah, babe, and in case there are any problems, make sure to have your pin on at all times. Record anythin’ you think that we’ll need to know, and use the goddamn alarm on it if things get out of hand.”

“Promise. Can I go now?”

I waved her off, and she quickly left, closing the door behind her. “Shit, maybe we need to have a business meetin’ with the girls again to reinstate the rules and to make sure they always have their pins with them.” They were there for emergencies and, if pressed, it sent a signal to Death’s security office, calling in for backup.

Country nodded. “Could be a good idea. Get Wreck onto settin’ somethin’ up.”

“Saint’s more approachable. I’ll have him do it.”

Country chuckled. “Good thinkin’. Hope this works, brother.”

“So do I, because I don’t want to be stuck with a cop up my ass.”

Country’s gaze hardened. “Not gonna happen.”

I understood what he wasn’t saying. We’d deal with the situation one way or another. “Yeah, brother. But let’s fuckin’ pray it’s the smoother way.”

Country snorted. “Sure would be easier for us.”

I smirked. “But we don’t mind a challenge either.”

“Damn right.” He stood and started for the door. “Good luck with findin’ your woman, brother.”

“Actually,” I called, and Country turned back at the door. “Can you ask Isla where Courtney works?”

“Ain’t she a nail person?”


His laughter irritated me. “You gonna book an appointment to get your nails done?”

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic