Page 28 of State

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“State, clue in, brother. Her dad’s lawyer is standin’ with you. He wouldn’t be if they didn’t accept our ways. She’s gold, brother. Pure fuckin’ gold, and hell, so’s her family. You lucky son of a bitch.”

She was mine.

My little mouse was meant to be.

This was the reason why I’d felt that sharp connection from the first moment my gaze had landed on her shy form.

She was made for me.

I’d never felt so light in my chest before, but fuck me, she made it happen.

I could only hope I didn’t scare her off with how goddamn intense my world was, but knowing she had my back, understood my world, and accepted me had given me a good feeling she wouldn’t run.

“Let the brothers know she’s off-limits. She’s mine.”

He snorted. “Like they didn’t know already from that night at the compound. But I’ll tell them anyway.”

“Gotta go. We’ll talk soon.”

“Yeah, brother. Got some other information about that fucker, but thought you’d want to know this more.”

“Damn right. Thanks, brother.”

“Anythin’ for a brother,” he stated and then ended the call. When I turned to the lawyer, he held out my wallet and keys.

“I collected these for you.”

“Thanks.” We switched items, and I said, “Look, how much does the club owe you?”


“What? If Court’s family paid for this—”

His hand shot up. “They didn’t. Patty knew to call me with this type of situation because I’ve shared with him in the past that I have a son in a motorcycle club in Australia. The Hawks MC. I know how their club runs, and from the information Patty gave me, it’s very similar to yours.” His jaw clenched. “Some people get away with too much, but I believe they’ll get what’s coming to them.” He handed me a card. “My son would be annoyed if I didn’t offer my help. Anytime the Diamond MC needs assistance, please don’t hesitate.”

I blinked down at the card. This day was filled with one surprise after another. “You’re fuckin’ with me?”

He smirked. “Not at all.” He waved the card a little.

“What’s your son’s name in the club?”

Lewis actually blushed. “It’s Muff.”

Chuckling, I reached out and took the card, placing it in my wallet before I pocketed it. “Let your boy and his club know that if they ever need help in the US, we’d be happy to step in.”

He tipped his head down. “Thank you, I will.” We started for the door.

“Seriously, Lewis. I appreciate you steppin’ up today. The offer to help not only goes to your boy. You need anythin’, just call us. You got Country’s number now.”

“Yes, and thank you again. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good.” As soon as we stepped outside, I spotted Courtney at the bottom of the steps, standing between an older version of herself and a man. She had her fingers pressed against her mouth and shifted from one foot to the other.

My woman had been worried for me.

Blood coursed through my veins as my heart tried to jump out of my chest at the sight of her. It felt like I flew down those steps, because in the next blink, she was in front of me as I slid one hand around her waist and the other through her fucking amazing thick hair, tugging her close.

“Fuck, little mouse,” I growled just before I took her mouth and claimed it as my own in a hard, rough, but damn hot kiss. She gripped my tee at my gut and held on while she gave back as good as I delivered.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic