Page 29 of State

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It was the kiss that sealed the deal. I’d never had my pulse tripping, my gut spinning, and my heart beating near out of my chest when I’d kissed anyone else.

Just her.

My perfect little mouse.

A throat cleared, and I cursed myself silently for probably fucking up meeting her parents for the first time. But as soon as I’d seen her, I’d had to have my first taste.

Breaking the kiss with a last gentle one, I stared down at my woman. “Hey, baby.”


“No, little mouse. Not State. Dominic for you and only you.”

“Dominic,” she whispered.

My cock jerked. “Yeah, angel.”

“You’re okay?”

“More than okay. The woman I’m into had my back and got me help. It means a fuckin’ lot to me, Court.”

She smiled. “I think I got that message.”

Grinning, I tucked her under my arm and faced her parents with my hand held out to her dad. “Patty, I’m State.”

He took my hand and shook. It was good to see his lips tipped up and not frowning. “State, nice to meet you. Sorry it’s under these circumstances.”

“Me too.” I nodded and glanced at the older image of Court.

“This is my wife, Beth.”

I tipped my chin up. “Beth.”

She gaped a little as she looked from me to her daughter and back again. “Do you like babies?”

“Mom!” Courtney cried.

Laughing, I hugged her into my side tighter. “Yeah, Beth. I like babies.”

“Okay then.”

“Lewis, thank you again,” Patty said, and I shifted the two of us back to add my lawyer into the huddle.

“Anytime, Patty. But you still owe me a card night.”

“I’ll make sure it’s soon.”

Lewis nodded and took my outstretched hand. “Thanks again, Lewis.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll leave you all to it. Have a good day.” We watched in silence as he walked off.

“You’ll have to come to dinner this Sunday night,” Beth said, facing us as Patty put his arm around her.

“I’d like that, thanks.”

Court groaned. “Can we make sure the three stooges aren’t there?”

“It’s called family dinner night for a reason, honey.” Beth smiled.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic