Page 20 of State

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Istood out in front of the steakhouse with my hands in my jeans, leaning against the wall. Hell, I couldn’t wait to see my little mouse, but I also had other shit on my mind that I needed to push back before she arrived. Lisa had carried out the plan with the cop, but I was still getting visits. Weirdest thing was, he didn’t do anything, and the one time, when I went to approach him, he just drove off. Lisa was going to step up the game tomorrow night when he was at Polished and tell him we’d broken up.

It'd better do something because I didn’t want this crap around Courtney.

I didn’t even know how he’d react if he was out there now watching me, waiting to see what I was standing around for. What would he do if he saw me with Courtney? It worried me enough my gut was in knots.

He’d better stay the fuck away from Courtney.

I’d have to tell her what was going on in case he didn’t. It’d be stupid to keep it from her. She had to be warned.

Movement down the road caught my attention.

Fuck me.

All other thoughts evaporated when my gaze landed on Courtney. She looked stunning in her flowery summer dress that hugged her in all the right places.

How in the hell had she not been snapped up already and dating someone?

It was good she wasn’t, or I’d have to kill them.

Christ, even the thought of someone else in her life like that got my blood boiling.

I started toward her and caught when she noticed me. My throat fucking thickened at the smile she graced me with.

She was happy to see me.

Jesus, we still had a lot of getting to know each other to do, but I already felt the need to put a ring on her finger as soon as possible. I didn’t think attraction this deep could happen from first sight. Yet, it did. For me, at least.

“Little mouse,” I said, dipping to kiss the corner of her mouth, and I felt her tiny gasp. She gripped my forearm where I’d put it around her waist and breathed out a shaky breath.

My cock jerked, and when I straightened, she blinked up at me, almost like she was out of it. “State,” she murmured.

“Hey, darlin’.” I grinned, and for some reason, it had her sucking in a breath. Christ, she was gorgeous. “Ready for food?”


Chuckling, I nodded. “Yeah, Court. Steak.”

She blinked and shook her head a little. “Oh, um, yes. I’m ready for steak.”

“Good.” I took her hand in mine and led her into the front of the restaurant. I’d wanted to pick her up and drop her home, but I didn’t want to force anything or make her feel uncomfortable, like I was looking at more than just a first date to get to know her more.

“Welcome to Laws. How can I help you?”

“Booking under State.”

He took a moment to look in the book. “Ah yes.” He clicked his fingers, and a young waiter guy stepped up. I glanced at Courtney to see her jaw clenched.

When I had her eyes and raised my brows, she shook her head.

“This is Mitchell. He’ll be taking care of your section.” He looked at Mitchell and frowned, then went ahead and straightened the guy’s tie in front of us. Mitchell went red while the guy muttered about Mitchell not being able to dress himself.

I’d never been here before; I’d just heard it had good steak, but this fucker was souring my mood.

He nodded to Mitchell, who turned and started forward. I went to lead Court away with a hand to her back, but she stopped at the front desk, leaned in and said, “Just because he’s young doesn’t mean you can treat him like he’s beneath you and belittle him in front of people. And no one should click their fingers at someone like they’re an animal. That shows what type of personyouare.”

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic