Page 19 of State

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But… he liked me, or else he wouldn’t have come to find me.

He didn’t mind I was short.

He didn’t mind I was plus-size, or a nail technician, or that I have three brothers, or that I usually said what I was thinking.

He liked me.

When my phone rang, scaring the shit out of me, I let out a yell. Picking it up, I looked at the caller ID.



I wasn’t ready to deal with her even after a week, especially as she hadn’t reached out to explain why she had wanted to abandon me and was apparently high that night. Why would she get high before going out with me in the first place when she knew I wasn’t a fan of people on hard drugs? Marijuana was all right. Not that I’d tell my parents I thought that, or that I’d even had some on a few of my wilder nights out. Though, it turned out my “wild night” was me getting the giggles for absolutely no reason and then getting so tired I’d just wanted to sleep.

Did I ignore her call or deal with her?

Sighing, I scrubbed a hand over my face and then pressed the green button. “Hi, Isla.”

“Court, I didn’t think you would answer. I’m so sorry for how I acted at the compound. Country ripped me a new asshole about it. I should never have even suggested leaving you alone there. I promise I’ll never do it again.”

“What were you on?” I asked quietly.

She laughed. “That doesn’t matter. I know not to take it when I’m around you, Miss Goody Two-shoes.”

That stung. We used to be thick as thieves, but she didn’t need to be condescending just because I’d gone down a different path than her.

“Isla, why are you even—”

“I don’t want a lecture from you. I told Country I’d apologize, and I did. God, Court, I heard you had a good night with State anyway. You should be thankingmefor introducing you. Not that I thought you’d have a chance with— Fuck, Court, I didn’t mean that. Look, I’m just going through a rough patch and can be a bitch without thinking. You’ll forgive me, right?”

Would I?

No. Not anymore.

But she didn’t need to know that. “Sure, Isla. Look, I have to go. We’ll talk soon.”

“We won’t, will we? One mistake and you’re ready to drop our friendship.”

Closing my eyes, I dropped my head back. An ache started at my temples. I hated confrontation or hurting anyone’s feelings, but maybe it was time I stuck to honesty.

“We’ve been drifting apart for a while, Isla. I want to settle down soon and start a family. You want to stay partying. It’s okay. This happens when we’re into different things.”

“I suppose you’re right. You were always a bore.” With that, she hung up.

I wouldn’t let her words get to me, because she was right about one thing. I wouldn’t have met State if it wasn’t for her, and I was grateful for that.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic