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“No, like his full name,” I pressed.

For whatever reason, that made Hunter grin before he used some stiff ass voice to announce, “Kendall Dogwood, quarterback out of the University of Tennessee.”

The way Snoop…Kendallgave Hunter a little push to his arm told me he must’ve been mocking him, the extra intel making it easy for me to pile on when I teased, “Quarterback out of UT? Was I wrong to call you a nineties baby, Kendall?”

The question finally made him blush a little.

“Don’t play me like that.”

“I’m just sayin’. Y’all college boysarelooking a lil’ older in the face these days,” I quipped, knowing good and damn well this grown ass man was far from some recent graduate. But it was still fun to tease him about it, especially once I caught a glimpse of his dimples when he asked, “You really think you funny, huh?”

“Just happy to turn your frown upside down, sad boy. Or should I say…Kendall?”

Licking his lips, he took a step closer towards me. And I wasn’t quite ready for the way his gaze seemed to intensify as he stared right into my eyes, taking me all in before he responded, “You can say it. I don’t mind.”

I wanted to say it again, and then keep saying it.

Moan it, maybe scream it, and thenjust… sigh it with satisfaction.

But unfortunately, I never got a chance to do any of that, Hunter fuckin’ up the vibes once he commented, “Damn. My QB got thatgame.”

He hadn’t told a lie. But I was still a bit disgusted with myself for falling for it so easily, doing my best to play the whole thing off when I grumbled, “He ain’t got shit.”

The unconvinced look Hunter responded with told me there was really no use in trying to save face since he had already been a witness to the entire exchange, his amusement borderline embarrassing me once he pointed out, “Nah, your ass was barely even breathing, Kiki. My guy Snoop had you ready to risk it all.”

“Yo, chill,” Kendall barked in a tone slightly deeper than the one he’d been using with me. And if I hadn’t already been ready to risk it all, I damn sure was now, especially after seeing the way Hunter instantly shut his ass up about the situation and started talking about football instead.

For a minute, I stood there listening to the two of them discuss the grueling training camp they had coming up soon. But after a while, I realized I was only sticking around as a means of being able to freely lust over Kendall’s fine ass, his full lips and the goatee that surrounded them looking like the perfect seat for me to…yeah, let me go find some business.

Once that conclusion was drawn, I started making a move for the living room. But I didn’t get far before Kendall gently caught me by the wrist and asked, “Hey, where you goin’?”

With anybody else, I probably would’ve yanked my arm away, or at least gotten an attitude over the unsolicited physical contact. But with Kendall, shit was just…different, his touch making it a little harder for me to get smart with him when I turned his way and answered, “Wherever my feet take me.”

“Oh, it’s like that?” he questioned with a dimpled smirk. And because it was so damn adorable, I found myself grinning back as I replied, “In the words of a QB out of UT, why do you wanna know so bad?”

“Maybe because I was actually enjoying your company.”

Sucking my back teeth, I argued, “You weren’t even talking to me anymore.”

“But I still liked having you nearby.”

Okay, so I would’ve been lying if I didn’t admit,at least to myself, how flattered I was by his claim.

There was just something so genuine about it, a feeling I could relate to since Iclearlyliked being near him too.

What an annoying revelation.

Going back to what I knew best, I teased, “So, what? Now I’m some sort of security blanket for you, Linus?”

“I don't know about all that,” Kendall chuckled. “But your presencedidmake me feel a lil’ better, so thank you.”

Naturally, I was curious to know what it was that had him so down in the first place, but asking that question meant spending more time around him. And since I knew more time around Kendall would more than likely lead to me trying to be his blanket in other capacities, I decided to get out while I still could, giving him a smile and a nod to say,“You’re welcome”before telling him, “I’m gonna go check on my people. Need me to freshen up your Shirley Temple before I go?”

I honestly wasn’t trying to shame him for not drinking, but I just couldn’t help getting one more joke off. And I was glad to see Kendall took my question for the lighthearted teasing it was, being proud about it when he gave his cup a little shake and answered, “Nah, me and my water on the rocks are just fine.”

As if I needed the proof, Kendall followed his words with a long swig that had me wanting tobehis water on the rocks once he gave an exaggerated sigh like it had really quenched his thirst. But after realizing that was justmythirst talking, I finally got my ass on, only to be met with a teasing grin from my homegirl, Gianna, who couldn’t wait to ask, “So… when’s the wedding, Kiki?”

“Shut up,” I giggled as I plopped down on the sectional couch next to where she was sitting with a few of our other friends. But even with my new location, I still couldn’t help stealing a glance or five in Kendall’s direction, one peek in particular making me panic a little once I noticed he was dapping up Hunter in a,“Aight, I’m bouta head out”kind of way.

Even though we were no longer in each other’s faces, I still wasn’t quite ready for him to leave. But I also didn’t need him thinking I was super pressed, choosing to maintain my cool until I felt a gentle hand against my shoulder.

When I looked over the back of the couch, I was met with Kendall’s soft brown eyes and a relaxed smile that made his dimples pop just slightly. And honestly, those two things alone had me ready to ditch Gianna who was apparently all ears once Snoop said, “I’ma get outta here. But it was nice meeting you, Shakira.”


Ignoring Gianna’s question, I matched Snoop’s casual energy when I responded, “Nice meeting you too, Kendall. Drive safely.” Then I turned back around so that I wouldn’t be tempted to actually watch him walk out of my house, though I might as well have since the only thing I had waiting on me when I returned to a front-facing position was Gianna who was staring at me like I’d grown a third eye.

“What?” I asked, feeling worried that there really was something wrong with my face and that Kendall had seen whatever it was before he’d left. But once Gianna’s expression softened to a look of amusement, I somehow already knew what was about to come out of her mouth, not at all surprised when she teased, “Nothing…Shakira.”

Tags: Alexandra Warren Houston Skyhawks Romance