Page 21 of Edith's Orc

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“You’re beautiful here, too.” Scary, too, but I don’t mention that. Obviously it fits.

I’ve been with a few men over the years. Never anyone serious because I could see right through their good intentions. I’ve never met anyone who believed my claims of seeing energy. Once they’d been with me long enough and realized they couldn’t lie or get away with any secrets, they ditched me.

But as my eyes skim up the mountain of light green skin and layer upon layer of muscles, I meet the eyes I’ve been waiting for. Longing for, actually.

Everything works out the way it’s supposed to.

That’s the only quote from my mother I have. It’s the one thought I’ve clung to through the years, even when I hated what it meant. That I needed to forgive not just her, but the world and life itself for her death. Plus, there’s all the fighting and stupidity my father subjected me to. Being angry isn’t worth it.

“Do you really think so?” It takes a moment for his translation, and then I drop my eyes to his lap with a smile.

“I know so.”

“Have you been with many males?”

“Three.” I meet his eyes at this admission, and they widen slightly. That’s not a lot, so maybe he’s been with way more women. Probably. And I’m fine with that.

“You know Emma?”

I nod, deciding it’d be best to tell him about the circumstances. Somehow.

“Not personally. Nako asked me—I’m sure you’ll see her here eventually since we were all caught and pulled through at the same time—to help Emma when she disappeared. Or at least determine if she really just ‘vanished’ through a wall in the ruins.”

I laugh, continuing to stroke up and down, using two hands and marveling at the width. Really? I took this... and it felt... well, fucking fabulous, actually.

“How many of you? I mean, how many Earth females arrived with you?”

“Me, Nako, and Alexa. Alexa was Emma’s partner on the site. She’s...”

My voice trails off, wondering how to tell him about her. “Alexa can’t speak. She can hear and see, but not talk. Not with her voice, anyway. She uses her hands.”

I’m Edith, I sign. “I’d like to teach you, if you’re interested. It’s a way we could communicate without the translators.”

Cal’s eyes narrow just as a tone rings through our translator collars. Right after, it also beeps out from the room somewhere.

“What is that?”

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal