Page 15 of Edith's Orc

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Chapter Seven

Igetstuckinmy head sometimes. Reliving the past. But even my shitty past doesn’t compare to what’s going on in my life right now.

Cal’s rumble at my back gets louder, right before a shock of sensation shoots down my upper back when his hands land on my shoulders. Cool fingers stroke over my skin, and the sensation vibrates down between my legs. A gush of wetness hits my thighs.

What the hell is wrong with me? I’m attracted to a… killer. Something I never considered remotely possible.

His breath catches behind me before the rumble of his voice finally translates. “You're so soft. Your skin...”

I’m trapped in a room with a strange species, and I’ve pretty much already committed to my friends that I’d let him have his way with me. And as Cal’s hands knead my tight muscles, his appealing scent encapsulates me. Keeping my eyes closed, I try to identify why it smells so... familiar.

As I breathe in and out slowly, I let my thoughts relax too. Like the scent of a Christmas pine will remind you of the holidays. His scent is an embrace, helping me loosen up.

After all, nothing I do or say right now is going to change my circumstances for the better. Although that’s not saying much. I spend most of my days at home, dealing with my online spiritual guidance clientele. If I’m honest with myself, I wanted this adventure.

I banish my negative emotions, turning slightly to watch the deep purple and black shift around Cal. It’s incredible really. I guess I’ve never considered whether energy colors would mean the same thing with a different species as they do on humans.

Now there’s definitely less black and gray in the deep purple energy around him. And instead of the halo of light sticking close to his skin, it’s now shimmering in the air between us. I watch as the lighter lilac of my own energy flutters out and brushes across him.

Goosebumps break out over my skin as if I touched him. It sends a shock across my senses that has my back bowing while his questing fingers travel lightly down my spine.

My eyes slam shut, and I fight the lust that makes me want to flip around and rub myself against him like a cat in heat. Just what was in that fruit? Could that be why I feel so... wanton?

I’m ready to spread my legs and quit fighting this desire already. Which is definitely not like me!

“Edith?” Instead of answering, I turn, letting myself roll closer into the energy dancing between us. I shiver again as our energy overlaps, melding into a purple the color of a grape popsicle.

When Cal freezes in place without continuing, I look into his reflective gaze expectantly. It’s hard not to let my eyes drop to the twitching muscles in his chest. “I’m fighting my instinct to take you.” His large hand floats down, pressing against his groin. “Do you have a male waiting for you on your Earth?”

Black streaks through his aura, and I watch in fascination as the dull red brightens around his neck and chest. It’s going to take a little while to be sure, but if I had to guess, I’d say he’s nervous? Embarrassed, perhaps? At least the dark surrounding us helps hide my flush.

“No,” I assure him.

It’s one reason I volunteered to be first. Or, as the Ropors said, the next human trial. Because besides Alexa’s obvious handicap at communication, Nako lost her husband five years ago.

I know she’s still grieving, too. Vernon Albeta, the Governor of our Pueblo Council, has been interested in her since my time on the council three years ago, and she hasn’t started dating him yet.

I was the obvious choice. Not to mention, I’m ready... and more than willing. There is just too much synchronicity for this not to be my path.

Cal’s hand moves into view, and rays of magenta shoot from the fingertips. Slowly his palm skims along my shoulder before sliding along my back again, down until suddenly, he pulls me into him, squeezing my ass cheeks in one huge hand.

A squeak slips from my lips at the abrupt move, and I pant into his enormous chest as his head drops into my neck. The growl that vibrates from him makes my nipples harden as even more liquid desire dampens my thighs. Warm air feathers across my neck as a shiver of delight races down my spine.

I shift, pulling back to collect my thoughts. There was something...

“Do you have someone special?”

It’s only fair, I ask him too. I know from what the Ropors mentioned; the odds are slim. But it’s better to be forthright.

He’s trapped. A captive of the Ropors for who knows how long. I doubt he’d tell his captors if he liked someone. “Maybe there’s a secret someone you care for?”

Cal’s eyes are like headlights, staring down at me intently while red and gray dance around his head. They shimmer together while he thinks, and I can’t help but admire the conflict as they swirl and dance like water and oil before dissipating into the purple.

My stomach sinks, realizing there must be someone. Pulling my weight up to sitting, I shift to the left, putting more space between us. “I’m sorry, Cal. We can be friends—”

He swoops me under him again, lowering his chest to mine until it’s almost touching. Our eyes lock and the dark features of his face in the pitch black room behind his energy, makes an interesting grimace as his knees drop between my legs. I fight the urge to stroke him. I’m trying to be respectful despite the lust heating my blood.

Just what the fuck is wrong with me?

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal