Page 13 of Edith's Orc

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Chapter Six

Whatdoyousayto something like that? Really? Who knows?

I’m frozen, totally at a loss for words. Even though so far he’s been quiet but kind, I’m still at his mercy here. If he decides he just doesn’t want to be bothered, it’d be easy for him to snap my neck.

Trembling under him, I nod, thankful that he seems to understand when he answers. “Good.” His words translate slowly, as if he wants to make sure I’m listening. “I will protect you. Stay close to me always, and tell me if you need something.”

Cal’s hands travel over my shoulders and arms, rubbing my towel into my body. I shudder, confused by his sudden comforting and assurances. Does he really care?

“Do you need to relieve yourself?”

I nod, and as he leads me by my elbow a few feet away, there’s a part of me that is almost glad I can’t see around me. It smells here.

How bad is this bathroom? I mean... how often have you ever been in a guy’s place and it hasn’t been a pig’s sty?

Determined not to think about it, I let him guide my hand. “Sit here,” he orders.

Nodding, I wait for him to move away before hiking up the towel and then using it as a shield around me. As I pee, I decide that this is the most humiliating day of my life. I finish, standing frozen as I try to decide which way to go.

Cal’s there instantly, his large hand covering my shoulder as he guides me forward a step before he swoops me into his arms. My stomach pitches at the sudden move, but he’s walking forward already, leaving the room.

We don’t go far. Outside the bathroom, he lowers me down to a plush surface. I can tell by the heavy scent of him here it’s his bed. Why do I feel like dropping over and curling into his covers, breathing the sage scent deep into my lungs?


Instead, I watch him move away in a cloud of purple and red. “Did they tell you I was coming?”

He’s already bringing back something, spreading it out on the bed next to me. The sound of material scratching has me sliding over.

“Not too far.” His large hand circles my wrist, stopping me from going any further. “You’ll fall.”

Oh. “Okay.” I watch his limbs slide through the air, leaving a trail of energy as he arranges things.

“I saw and heard what happened with Luc. I knew what the Ropors would do.”

I watch his hand travel to his lips, but he doesn’t put the food in his mouth. Instead, it travels toward my face as I ask, “What did you hear?”

“Eat.” Something cold nudges my lips, and I hold my breath, hoping I’m not about to eat a bug or something. But when I take a bite, the skin gives, and tart juice coats my throat. “I heard Luc mated with his new trophy. Even though he beat me in the first challenge, he is even stronger and larger now. Something to do with his mating.”

Woah. Okay. I hadn’t understood that, but now I’m getting the picture into sharper focus.

“I could have beat him if I wanted to.”

“Ah...” I’m not sure why he’s telling me that, so I decide to change the subject, redirecting it to the food. Pointing at my mouth, I ask, “Wha-what was that?”

His fingers are already lifting another bite to my lips. “Monche. It’s one reason it didn’t surprise me when you arrived. They have only gifted me this fruit when females are delivered. The Ropors believe it’s an aphrodisiac.”

I nod as I bite into another. It’s larger than a grape, but the skin is only a little tougher and the inside has a ton of juicy flavor. Despite not knowing how long it’s been since I ate breakfast, I’m starving. Maybe we were unconscious a lot longer than I realized.

“Well, I had no idea I’d end up here today. Emma works for one of my friends who called me out to look into her disappearance. While we were checking on where she went… that’s when we ended up sucked through to... here.”

“The Roportorium.”

“Is that what this place is called?”

Cal nods, bringing another piece of fruit to my lips, sending a shock of sensation through my face as his fingers slide along my mouth, encouraging me to open. “The Ropors hold games here and many other species bring their Champions over to fight. This is for bipedal. Two arms and two leg life forms.”

Swallowing the food, I think about how many legs the Ropors have. “Are the Ropors fighters? With all their legs?”

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal