Page 6 of The Pet's Play

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Visitingthe whorehouses took a lot longer than Conall would have hoped. Rourke wanted to go over his plans, while Bohdan took pleasure in showing him all the profit margins. They were two of the proudest people he’d ever met, and while that wasn’t a bad thing when it came to Sloan’s company, it took time out of his day that Conall didn’t have right now. He had to get back and lay on his seduction thick.

“How is your bet going?” Ronan asked from beside Conall, the small curve of his mouth teasing.

“Four hours, Ronan. Four. That bastard knew I’d be out nearly all day, that’s why he made the bet in the first place. I forgot I had work to do.” He slammed himself against the back seat of the SUV and sighed. “I underestimated him.”

“Sloan Killough has been playing games a lot longer than you have, sir. Yours are child’s play to him.” His smugness annoyed Conall, and he glared at Ronan.

“We’ll see.”

Ronan shook his head as the driver pulled into the long winding gravel driveway of Sloan’s Southhampton mansion. They passed soldiers with guns, who nodded at them as they drove by, and when they reached the drop-off zone near the front door, a servant was already there, opening the back door of the car for them.

“Thank you,” Conall said as he swept past and toward the front doors of the house, which were opened for him by Mr. Hopper. The elderly man sneered at him but bowed in respect as Conall passed. Conall didn’t bother to say anything to him because the butler didn’t like him, and he didn’t care for Mr. Hopper.

The entrance hall always left Conall breathless, no matter how many times he walked through it. The white marble floors gleamed, freshly cleaned and polished, and they matched the white double staircase with black handrails. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, and come nighttime, they’d glow softly and light up the stairs like it was the path to heaven. For Conall, that’s exactly what the staircase was because it led to Sloan.

Fuck, that’s corny.

He laughed as Aideen met him in the foyer, and he gave her a bright smile. She was someone he did like. “Welcome home, sir,” she said in her thick Irish accent.

“Hello, Aideen. Where’s the boss?”

“He’s in his office, sir, handling business. He’d rather not be interrupted right now.”

“Of course not,” Conall grumbled and then sighed. “Fine. Tell him I’m out at the pool when he’s done.”

“Of course, sir.” She inclined her head and a piece of her blonde hair fell around her baby face. He was surprised that Mr. Hopper hadn’t lectured her on that. Like Sloan, Hopper expected perfection from his staff.

Conall went up to their bedroom and grabbed a pair of swimming shorts. He changed into the trunks and stayed shirtless as he walked back down the stairs and through the hallway to the back doors. Ronan followed him from the bottom of the stairs and out toward the pool area.

“Are you going to perv on me?” Conall teased.

Ronan tensed in answer. “Sir, I’d rather you not say that.”

He shrugged. “Sloan’s in a meeting. It’s fine. He knows you’re not stupid enough to try anything with me.”

“I’d still rather not risk it.” Ronan walked toward the pool house and went inside. He brought out a towel from a pile the servants kept folded up in there. Conall nodded in thanks and threw the towel on the lounge chair near the pool before he dived into the deep end. The cool water sloshed around his body as he sliced his arms through it in his first lap to the other side.

Ronan stood at the edge the entire time, scanning their surroundings for any threats, which was a normal thing for Conall now, so he continued to do his laps with his ever-present guard. He had his hair up in a bun to stop it from getting in his face. He kept his collar on, even when swimming. Not that he could take it off anyway. The thumbpad Sloan used as a safety measure had stopped him from being able to, and only Sloan could. Conall was a possession to Sloan, and it was a sign of ownership that most people wouldn’t mess with, but there were always idiots.

Conall got through ten laps before the back doors opened and Sloan stepped out toward the pool. He stopped near Ronan, who inclined his head respectively.

“Pet, are you enjoying yourself?” Sloan asked when Conall stopped at the deep end to stare at him.

Conall leaned back against the edge and smiled mischievously. “It’d be nicer if you came in me. Oops, I meant came in for a swim.”

“I have a busy afternoon ahead of me.” His gaze dropped to Conall’s chest and he licked his lips. He smirked. “But nice try, pet.”

Conall swam across the pool to the edge. Slipping his hands underwater, he pulled off his swimming trunks, letting them drift somewhere in the pool, before he pulled himself out. The water splashed around him as he lifted himself onto the edge, naked and wet, one of Sloan’s favorite outfits on him.

Ronan looked away quickly as Conall strutted toward Sloan and touched a hand to his chest. “Are you sure you don’t want to join me?” He slid his palm lower until he gave Sloan’s cock a good squeeze through his pants. “Because this says otherwise.”

Sloan laughed and grabbed Conall around the waist, heaving him up as though he weighed nothing. Conall curled his legs around Sloan’s waist, slamming his mouth against Sloan’s in a deep, electrifying kiss that had warmth spreading throughout Conall. His heart wacked against his ribs, it was beating so hard, and his cock throbbed.

Cupping Sloan’s face, he rubbed himself against his chest, the friction of Sloan’s suit perfect on his erection. “Fuck yes. Come on, boss, you know you want me. I’m right here.”

Sloan smirked. “And let you win? No, pet. I like winning.” He moved and then threw Conall into the pool. Conall flailed, his arse hitting the water first before he was dunked under the water by the weight of his body.

Tags: M.D. Gregory Romance