Page 60 of Cry For Mercy

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Chapter Twenty-Three


I checked in with Nige, who had no updates for me, but said that the retrieval of the offending item – his words, not mine – was in hand, and should be confirmed any time now. Apparently his people were just waiting for the occupants of the house to leave for the day, and then they’d move in. The idea of a break-in, in broad daylight, seemed ludicrous to me. But perhaps it would be better, as in safer, for the occupants. If they went in at night, and woke the family, people could get hurt.

I couldn’t go back to Jeff until I knew more, although I sent him a quick message just to confirm I was working on things, and to hold fire until he heard back. I couldn’t help feeling like my priority should be Julie right now. Those scars. The blood. She was harming herself.

I didn’t understand the reasons, or what could possibly drive her to do such a thing to herself. She’d said before that Cass had helped her with her ‘issues’. Was that the answer? Getting Cass to speak to her? Even just letting her know she was okay?

I went home, showered, dressed, had some breakfast, and plotted my attempt to get to Cass. I’d have to go to the brothers. That much was obvious. And in doing that, I needed to get her alone. The question was how.

I sat at my desk, using my computer. I could invoice the brothers. Surely it was time to do that. There had been a holding fee as they called it, recently, but… I was risking my life.

In the end, I bodged up a bullshit invoice, listing things like ‘risking my fucking life’, and ‘lying my ass off to good people’, and jacked it up to just under three grand. It’d piss them off, but I needed money, however you looked at it, and I was starting to suspect that Julie might need the kind of help that would cost money. I wanted to do that for her. Whether I could put Cass in touch with her or not.

I checked my bank balance before I left, because my rent and all kinds of payments were due out soon, and that’s when my jaw dropped.

There were two payments showing. From the same account as the Bennetts had used before. Both were for five thousand pounds. They’d paid me ten fucking thousand quid. Jesus fuck. I screwed up the crap invoice I’d made, and stared at it for a few minutes, then watched the bank app time out on me.

In the end, I got in the car and drove to them anyway. I needed to understand what the fuck all that money was even for. What were the implications of being so massively overpaid?

When I steered the car onto their little dirt road, I realised that I was dropping in unannounced on two very dangerous men. Big mistake. I pulled over, near where they’d caught me out before, and sent a text.

Me: Need to see you urgently. I’m almost at yours.

There was a delay of almost a minute, and then my phone buzzed.

BennettDicks: This better be good. We can already see you. Just a friendly reminder.


I drove the rest of the way to their house, and parked up beside the large Range Rover that was always there when I visited.

For once, the door wasn’t open before I approached, so I had to bang on it for their attention. Cass was the one to open it, and I fought the urge to beg her to come outside and listen to me. I’d written Julie’s number on a piece of paper, and I could feel it burning a hole in my pocket. I just needed the opportunity to give it to her. I figured if her phone was no longer active, that she may no longer have her contact numbers. It was a long shot, but I was desperate.

“Will you get the fuck in here, and get this shit over with?” One of the brothers barked from inside.

I stepped inside, thanking Cass for letting me in, because above all else, I’m a fucking gentleman.

“What’s so important, that you had to come here so fucking early?” The same brother snapped at me. I really wished I had figured out how to tell the difference by now. I’m more observant than this.

I glanced at the other brother, who watched me quietly, letting his brother do the bitching.

I took a punt. “Seb, this is serious.” He raised his eyebrows, clapping his hands slowly.

“Well, check out Butch. Finally got his head out of his ass, and figured out who he’s talking to.”

Score one for me.

I pulled out a stool and sat down. Why we always have to meet in the kitchen, and why it’s always at this breakfast bar, I’ll never know.

“I need to talk to you both about payment.”

They exchanged a look. “I think we’re covered.” Samuel replied.

“If you’re trying to get more out of us, you greedy bastard-”

I interrupted Seb, because I’m many things, stupid being one of them.

Tags: Mia Fury Romance