Page 61 of Cry For Mercy

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“That’s not the issue. The question is why you’ve paid me so much!”

Cass giggled, and moved around the breakfast bar to lean against Samuel, who moved and wrapped his arms around her instantly. He kissed the top of her head.

“So he’s bitching about us being too generous?” Seb asked, staring at Samuel again, then Cass.

“It’s more a case of me wondering what the fuck you’re expecting of me, that you’d pay so damn much. My understanding was that my job was to get hired by Jeff, which I’ve done. Wait for Harvey to float, which I’ve done. Keep him posted, but make sure he doesn’t go to the police, which I’ve fucking done. In addition to that, I made you aware that there was a hint to your identity out there-”

Cass gasped, her hands lifting to her face.

“There’s what? You said you were safe!” She turned in Samuel’s arms, and swatted at his chest.

“What the fuck, Cass? Will you calm down?”

She practically growled at him, trying to break his hold on her. “No! I won’t calm down! You were shot! Shot, dammit! And you told me everything would be okay now. And… now there’s a chance that the police will come after you? No! I won’t allow it!” He was grinning, despite her anger.

“Ah baby, I love how you want to protect me so much. Taking a bullet was no big deal, see? I’m fine.”

“You nearly fucking DIED!” She snapped, slapping his face hard. Wow. I blinked, staring at him, as he stared at her in shock.

“Jesus, Cass. So you’re hitting me, because you’re worried about me?”

Seb was laughing, and she turned a fierce glare on him. “This isn’t funny, dammit! I don’t want either of you to go to prison!”

Samuel grabbed her hand, which was still in the air after she’d slapped him. He kissed her palm.

“Baby, I’m going to repay that one later, on your ass. A lot. Now you don’t need to worry about this information reaching the police. It’s not going to happen. And that’s actually thanks to Butch, here. So yeah, we might have paid more than you expected, but as you can see, we have bigger priorities than Harvey and his dad. We have Cass. And she’s clearly getting almost as attached to us as we are to her, so we’ll do whatever it takes to stay with her.”

She put her hands on his face and kissed him, while I sat there and groaned.

“You guys are like a fucking walking porno… seriously. I needed to know that there wasn’t extra money for some fucked up thing you were going to demand of me, that’s all. I’m doing the best I can, but this is way beyond my skills.”

Seb shrugged, leaning over to pat my shoulder.

“I’m sure you can figure it out, bruv. Just remember, he needs to stay away from the police. If he doesn’t, I can’t guarantee he survives. So really, when you think about it, you’re saving a life.”

Two, if you count Julie, who I can’t mention to them. But who I really need to mention to Cass.

“So, we done? Sammy wants to get his hands on Cass’s ass, and I’m of a mind to watch them together.”

Fucking hell. I stood up. How would I get Cass alone? Especially if they planned to drag her off for some kinky fuck session.

In the end, I just threw myself under the bus.

“Uh… Cass? Any chance I could have a quiet word before I go?”

Both brothers fixed me with matching glares. “Nothing untoward, I promise.” I held my hands up, backing away.

They exchanged a look, and Cass let out a huge sigh.

“Oh for god’s sake! He just wants to talk to me. It’s fine. I’ll walk him out, okay?” She pushed away from Samuel, who actually let go, when I really thought he wouldn’t, and they both watched her walking toward me. The looks I was on the receiving end of were pretty clear. Touch her and die. Painfully.

I nodded at them both, partly to show my understanding, and also because I was leaving, and I thought it looked polite. They watched us walk to the door.

“That was brave of you. They’re really edgy when any men are near me.” She muttered, glancing back at them both, as if she wanted to make sure they were staying back.

I nodded as I stepped outside.

“Yeah, I can see that. Look, I don’t have much time, and I’m pretty much on my last fucking life with these two sick bastards, but I need your help.”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance