Page 59 of Cry For Mercy

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Oh. I shrugged. “So they’ll go to waste. I don’t need to use them up.”

She shook her head again. “Actually you do, Julie. Everyone needs a break. Your headache yesterday was a sign that you’re due for one. Now, I’ve already arranged for your workload to pass to Sally for the next few days. I want you to go home. Rest. Take some time. Don’t come back next week. I appreciate that you won’t be able to use all of your leave, and I can let you carry a few days over to next year, but I need you to use leave for the next week. Please.”

I stared at her, feeling a wave of panic. If I didn’t have work, I didn’t have anything! I didn’t have hobbies, or friends, or… wow… just anything.

“Please don’t, Mrs Davis. I’ll take it easy; I promise.”

She looked sad. “You work too hard, Julie. I’ve seen the times you clock in and out. You’re normally early, and you’re almost always one of the last to leave. And that has clearly become more extreme since Cassidy left us. I know you picked up the slack, and I very much appreciate it. You put in extra hours to train Sally, and now you need to trust her to do the work. Let her cover for you. I really want you to take some time for you. Rest. Recover from this period of extremes.”

I shook my head. “Why don’t I take today, and then come back on Monday?” Please don’t take work from me.

She stood up. “I’m sorry, Julie. I have to insist upon this. If you burn yourself out, we’ll be lost without you. I don’t want to see you here at all next week. And I want you to go home right away. Maybe go to the chemist and see about something for that burn.”

I stood up too. “You’re not going to change your mind, are you?”

She patted my shoulder as she reached for the door. “I’m doing this because I care about you, Julie. You give everything to your work, and you’re exceptional. I don’t want to lose that, if you keep pushing yourself so hard. Enjoy your break.”

I walked back to my desk with my head down. I hadn’t even turned my computer on yet. I glanced at Sally as I picked up my handbag, and checked that my phone was safely inside it.

“Um… I’m taking a few days. I’ll see you soon.”

She nodded. “Enjoy your time off. I’ve got this under control.”

I wondered if her change of attitude was because of Mrs Davis, and her insistence that I needed a break. Maybe she’d been told to step up or move on.

I nodded at her as I left, and walked back outside.

I leaned against the wall. What the hell would I do with myself now?

Tags: Mia Fury Romance