Page 15 of Cry For Mercy

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I felt the lightest brush of his hand as I took it. It wasn’t enough. And what the hell is wrong with me?


I took a breath, glancing at his card. It had an address, and office number. And a mobile number.

He grinned, sipping more of the coke, his face twisting as he did. He clearly didn’t like the stuff, so why the hell did he order it?

“Oh… you should probably tell me who you’re missing, Julie. I don’t have a name in mind. I know I’m looking for Harvey Clarke. Who else?”

I chewed the inside of my cheek. “Cassidy Donovan.” He blinked, a tiny frown disappearing almost instantly, as he reached for his glass again.

“Sorry… is that a man or a woman?”



I am completely fucked. Beyond fucked. Because what are the chances that this Cassidy Donovan, and Cass fucking Bennett, are the same damn person? The way my life is going, that’s exactly who it damn well is. Jesus. This mess is just getting worse.

I necked the rest of that fucking awful drink, and stood up.

“Thanks for the drink, Mr Clarke. I’ll get back now, and wait for the information from you.”

I reached out to shake his hand. “Jeff, please. No sense in such formality with what’s going on.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Jeff. Try to get some rest. We’ll sort this.”

I turned to her. Julie. Fucking Julie.

“Uh... Miss… uh… Julie. Do you still want that lift home?” Her eyes widened, and she glanced at Mr Clarke, or Jeff, my new best fucking buddy. I’m an asshole.

“Um. Actually that would be great, if it’s not too far out of your way.”

I didn’t care if it was all the way across town. Not one fucking bit. I’d just get to have her to myself for longer.

“I’m not letting you walk in that weather. Goodnight, Jeff.” I reached out a hand to help her from the booth, barely managing to bite back a groan, when she placed that delicate hand in mine, and let me pull her from the seat.

Jeff, to his credit, looked a little nervous about letting her go with me, so I gave him my best reassuring ‘I’m not a monster’ smile as I left.

With her.

I reluctantly released her hand, when she pulled away, even though I wanted to keep it. I wanted to keep her. What a fucking psycho. Those Bennetts have fucked me up too.

When we reached the lobby, I turned to look at her, even though I could have described everything about her without doing so ever again.

“You might want to do your coat up. It’s bitter out there.”

She nodded, fumbling with the large buttons on her coat, like she was trying to rush.

“Hey. Slow down. Let me.” What the fuck am I even doing? I leaned down, and took over, sliding each large button into its hole, while my asshole mind kept pointing out what else I wanted to slide you know where.

When I pulled back, she was staring at me, a quizzical look on her face. I felt embarrassed for taking such a liberty.

“Thank you.” She said quietly, her cheeks pinkening a little.

“Jesus. I’m sorry. That was so intrusive. I just… you looked like you needed a hand. I’m sorry.”

She giggled. “It’s fine. Sweet, even. So not what I was expecting from the big bad biker man.”

I snorted as I pushed the door open, so she could walk under my arm to the outside. Because she’s so fucking petite, and gorgeous. The bite of icy wind hit us both in the face, as we stepped out into the dark night. I heard it steal her breath, just as it did mine.

Leading her carefully to my car, I made short work of unlocking it, and tucking her safely inside, before I hurried around to my side, my boots sliding on the icy road.

“Okay… what did you call me? A big bad what?”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance