Page 10 of Cry For Mercy

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Chapter Five


I found myself on Marco’s drive. His car was on the road. I didn’t know why. It didn’t really matter. The main thing was that I could keep my bike out of harm’s way. Was I precious about it? Fucking right I was. It was pretty much my only fucking possession.

I banged on the door, and then realised that I really should have called first. The guy was a mob enforcer. Huge. Actually pretty scary at times. And his lady? She could kick my ass just as easily as he could. Idiot.

“Better have a good reason for this.” Marco barked, as he glared at me from the doorway. He was wearing trousers, but no shirt. Shit. Had I interrupted something?

“Crap. Sorry. Were you guys fucking? I could wait out here for a few minutes.”

He barked out a laugh. “Prick. Lucky for you, you didn’t disturb that, because I’ve killed people for less.”

He stepped back and let me into the house. I didn’t see Lenore anywhere, but waited and let him lead me to the kitchen, where he switched the kettle on, and then leaned against the counter to stare at me.

It was unnerving that he was half-dressed. I mean, I’m no slouch, I guess, but he made me feel massively inadequate.

“So… are you pleased to see me, or do your nipples always do that?” I quipped, hoping he’d take the hint and cover them up. He snorted.

“As much as I’d love to chat about my nipples, mate, why don’t you just tell me what you want?”

I groaned, staring down at my phone instead.

“Your bastard bosses are dropping me right in the shit. That’s what’s happening right now. I’m not sure this is a case I’m going to survive.”

He shook his head at me, turning to prep two mugs.

“They rarely do anything that we, as their people, won’t survive. What’s the case?”

I waited while the kettle boiled, and then accepted the black coffee he slid over to me. I shook my head when he offered milk and sugar, and watched him finish prepping his own.

“Some guy called Harvey is dead, and they want me to get hired by his dad. Who is in town right now, and looking for him.”

Marco blinked at me, rubbing a hand over his face. “Harvey. Jesus…” He glanced at his watch.

“We need to make this quick. Lenore’s due back any time now. This isn’t for her ears.”

Interesting. “Was he a bad guy?” I suddenly wondered if I’d been missing the most important point all along. Marco ran a hand through his hair. “Jesus. Yes. He was a bad guy. Worst of the worst.”

Huh. Did that make a difference to me? Maybe.

“What did he do?”

Marco groaned, setting down his coffee with a loud bang. “I’ll tell you, and then this subject is fucking closed, okay?”

Wow. I nodded, watching him warily as he paced in the kitchen. He was like a caged tiger, prowling within the confines of his prison, just exuding raw power.

“You don’t mention him to Lenore. At all. Got it?”

I kind of wished we’d never started this conversation now. I nodded warily, wrapping my suddenly cold hands around my coffee mug.

“He tried to force himself on Lenore. He was a stalker, and that was bad enough. What he did to Lenore… That couldn’t go unpunished. Hear me?”

Fuck. I rubbed my face, feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

“Fuck me. Do you people know anyone who isn’t a complete fucking monster? So you, or the Bennetts, made him a dead man, and now I have to fleece his dad, to try and get him to buy the right story. Fuck my life. I wish I’d never met any of you. Scratch that. Wish I’d never met Cathy fucking Stevens.”

Marco folded his arms, glaring down at me like he wanted to hit me. At least he covered those big man nipples in the process.

Tags: Mia Fury Romance