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Why the interest, Bain?

My eyebrow flicked as I tightened my tie so roughly I felt like I was halfway to choking. Bain had no intention of moving. His face stayed even, but I could have sworn I saw the smallest tick below his eye.

“Why is your neck red?” Shifting my gaze from Bain, who still hadn’t moved from the end of the hall, I turned and glanced down at Journey’s neck.

Tiny splotches of pink were covering her chest and creeping up to her neck, which had a long red streak across it. I shoved my free hand in my pocket, knowing that I had trailed my finger across it, down her chest, and into her shirt.

“Oh, uh…” Journey’s voice wavered from the confidence that she had shoved in my face just moments ago, and I stayed completely relaxed as Tobias glared at me.

“Couldn’t fucking help yourself, could you?”

My heart whacked harder and harder as I glared back at Tobias, trying to right my vision so I didn’t dig myself into an even deeper hole.

“Tobias.” Journey tugged on his arm, and I pictured myself lunging forward to rip her hands off him. Get a fucking hold of yourself. The possessive part of me wanted to use the hand that still smelled of her and punch him in the fucking face and tell everyone that she was mine, but I knew that there was something more going on in this school that was far beyond my jealousy of Tobias and his sudden protection of Journey. He wasn’t here when Journey was attacked, so as much as I hated the fact that he was on better feet when it came to her, I knew he wasn’t a danger.

“Let’s go to class,” she said, still pulling on him.

I silently begged her to look back at me. Just once. I wanted to see those cool gray eyes and find the tiniest seed of her still in them, but Journey kept herself angled away from me as she and Tobias went the opposite direction.

Tobias, however, glared at me the entire way. I had news for the brooding, fucked-up boy from the Covens. I wouldn’t stop trying to protect her, no matter who stood in my goddamn way.

Tags: S.J. Sylvis Romance