Page 31 of Craving Justice

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Adam studied Zach, an unreadable expression in his eyes. “You’ve appointed yourself peacemaker?”

Zach’s bark of laughter was harsher than hail crashing on a tin roof. “Brother when I qualify as the UN negotiator in this tribe, we’ve hit rock bottom.”

Dillon scrubbed a hand over his hair, leaving blond strands standing at odd angles. “This is a mess, we all agree, but in the meantime, we need to make plans.” His phone beeped, and he snatched it up from Seth’s desk, glanced at the screen then at Seth. “Fox’s seen the statement. He’s agreed to meet in one hour. His office.” Dillon straightened his shoulders, slid his phone into his pants pocket, and fixed his tie. Seth understood his move. Dillon fixing his tie equaled focusing on business and shutting off what wasn’t. “Stay, leave, whatever, it’s your choice, but Seth and I need to prepare.”

Adam’s brows drew into a harsh line. He opened his mouth, but Zach spoke first. “Buy you a late breakfast? I’m guessing you didn’t stop for breaks on your way here.”

Adam stared at Dillon a moment longer before answering Zach. “That’d be good.”

And he’d need a bed, too. “Where are you thinking of staying?” Seth used his one-bedroom apartment more as a place for crashing than as a home.

“My house.” Heath glanced at Zach.

“I needed to come in and see some galleries. They want some more of my carvings.” Zach’s mouth slanted in a wry grin. “Was gonna surprise you later this morning, Seth. Heath’s call had me diverting here first instead. Milly’s sleeping over at a playmate’s house tonight. Thought I’d make it an overnight visit and drive back to the cabin tomorrow.”

“You got room for both of us?” Adam asked Heath.

“Yeah. You get the third bedroom. It’s a double bed, but you’ll fit.” Heath glanced at his watch. “I’ve got to get to the station and face my captain. Once I inform him of the other incidents, he’ll hopefully back down. He’s likely pissed the top brass won’t appreciate the bad PR that Facebook shit stirs up. Cap doesn’t need that heat.” He made a move to the door. “Seth, I’ll get the CCTV tapes, and we’ll go from there.”

Seth lifted his chin. “Thanks, mate.”

Heath glanced back and settled his gaze on each brother in turn. He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead shook his head and walked out.

Dillon leaned over, grabbed a sheath of papers and started sorting them in some order. “How about you guys come back in a couple of hours. We’ll update you then.”

Both Adam and Zach couldn’t miss the unspoken message, meant exclusively for Adam. Dismissed. Dillon may be the oldest, but Adam had never willingly relinquished his role as leader.

The unacknowledged power struggle between the two loomed large in the family during times of stress, and Seth couldn’t see a resolution, especially now as grown men who had each forged such different paths in life. There was little common ground besides sharing a surname and having had Aurora in their lives.

And she’d been gone six years.

What a bloody mess they’d all made in her absence.


He looked up at the sound of Adam’s voice, and his body stilled under his brother’s searching gaze.

“Whatever it takes, little brother, we’ll fix this.” Adam reached over and grabbed Seth roughly at the back of his neck and squeezed for a second before letting him go. “Together.” He turned to Zach, “Let’s go.”

Zach stared at Seth a moment and nodded to him and Dillon. “Later.”

“Later.” Seth gave them a chin lift before they walked out the door.

Dillon grabbed a pad and pen and settled in a chair. “Let’s look over the points I highlighted in the contract earlier and decide what we’ll say to Fox.”

“Right,” Seth answered as he resumed his seat behind his desk.

“We’re going to get Fox to see his lowering the price makes him look unscrupulous, someone making the most of what others may see as a deliberate act of sabotage.” Dillon scribbled notes on the yellow legal pad. “We don’t leave that office without him agreeing to stand by the original contract. We’ll get the bastard to shake your hand and take a photo of the moment if we have to.”

Shake his hand.

This morning he’d seen Adam for the first time in over a year. A year in which his brother had no doubt risked his life numerous times, had missed birthdays and holidays, including last Christmas.

And not one of his brothers had shaken Adam’s hand to welcome him home.

Including Seth.

Sure, Adam had been a complete prick as soon as he’d entered the office, but still…

Tags: Fiona Archer Romance