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A sly smile spread across my lips as I listened to the chaos break out.How hard is it to keep track of a princess, anyway?Sir Baggio’s roaring voice split ears across the entire cavern. “Nobody needs to panic! I need four men to guard the exit and everyone else can fan out around the cave. She couldn’t have gotten far.” The ceiling quaked as the sound waves rattled every inch of the cavern.

A hurricane of footsteps echoed throughout the stone walls as panicked rebels scattered to the various ends of the cave. I tightened my grip on the cart’s inner framework, shifting my full weight off the ground. As I lifted my back higher, a blood freezing creak sounded from the wood. I sucked in a breath as my eyes flew to the straining beam. The cart didn’t hold the same structural integrity of a steel wagon and was now beginning to bow under my weight.This may have been the first time in my life that I was actually too big for something.As I watched the wood begin to perilously bend, a fast pair of feet ran up behind the cart and pushed it with haste.

“Get all the carts outside, we need room to spread out and search,” an unknown voice commanded from above.

My heart sped up in anticipation as we began to roll toward the exit.Yes, yes, yes. Keep going!Another creak groaned from the straining framework and my eyes flew to a nail that was starting to pull free. I bit my lip, staring daggers at the tiny iron nail as if I could pound it back into place by sheer will. My grip loosened and I searched for another place to hold, but the only available grips would put me in view of the cart's driver.Come on, almost there...We were bumping through the narrow exit, and I could almost taste the fresh air that breezed from the opening. My heart began to soar as the first glimmer of sunlight reflected off the cave puddles, but at the same moment, we hit a jarring rock and the nail broke free.

A loud crash alerted every ear in the cavern as I fell hard against the stone floor. Pain cracked through my head as a rock smacked into the back of my brain. For a disorienting moment, I stayed on the ground and let my vision clear as the pain softened. Lying on the ground did me no favors. The cart driver instantly turned white as he locked eyes with his stowaway and let out a stunned gasp. “Over here! I found her!”

I rushed to my feet in a mad attempt to run for the exit. My head swam, and I found myself struggling to move in a straight line. I only made it a few meager feet before I was halted by a firm grip on my arm. “Let me go!” I cried out, thrashing blindly against my captor.

“Nixie! That is enough!” a familiar voice hissed. I turned around and faced the raging eyes of my groom-to-be. Todd clamped his hand tightly on my arm and for the first time in my life, I truly felt small. I had never felt as if I were entirely powerless, but in this moment, the last of my hope was gone, sitting at the end of the cave where I could never reach it. Todd’s dark eyes narrowed impatiently on me. “We held up our end of the deal, and now it’s time that you uphold yours.” He turned back down the cave’s entrance, dragging me behind him by the arm. “Father! Forget the preparations. We’re holding the ceremony now!” The crowds parted in front of us, directing the frustrated rebel to the center of the room.

My heart sank as he dragged me to the head of the crowd, placing me in front of his father and taking my hands in his.

This is it then... I can’t run any more...I scanned over the crowd that gleefully waited to bear witness to our union.They all think I can save them, but I’m too small to be their queen, too powerless. My thoughts swept back to Killian.At least he’s safe... I kept him safe. It’s all worth it as long as he’s free.I may have been too weak to protect myself, but I did manage to save one person, and that would have to be enough. I took a shaky breath and looked into the blazing eyes of my future husband.

This can’t be happening...

“Please begin, Father. We’re ready,” Todd said with a stiff nod. He tightened his grip on my hands as a final warning to keep me in place.

Sir Baggio gave his son a proud smile, then raised his arms to address the frazzled audience. “Ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to welcome you to the union of our new rulers.” He beamed joyfully across the room, giving a flourishing wave to us both. All the eyes in the room followed us with anticipation and hope. This was the start of a new life for them, while it was the end of mine. I took a shaky breath, swallowing hard to prevent any tears from forming.I can’t let them see me cry, not when they expect so much from me.Sir Baggio cleared his throat, looking proudly amongst his collective people. “If anyone has any objections to his union, please speak now or—”

“Bloody yes, I object. Now get away from my daughter!”

Every eye shot to the back of the room as I stared in disbelief at the most wonderful sight I could have possibly imagined. The crowd parted with a collective gasp, revealing a dark-haired woman who was standing tall with a club thrown over her shoulder. The tears I’d been withholding reformed as pure unfiltered joy flooded through me as I met the eyes of the one person I needed. “Mother!” I cried out in elation as tears flew down my cheeks and clung to my upturned lips.

I tried to run to her side, but Todd strengthened his grip on my hands. “You are not the princess’s true mother, so you have no right to object to this union!” Todd bellowed. “Someone escort this intruder out immediately! Father, proceed!”

“I object, too!” Another voice split the crowd and the joy in my heart tripled at the sight of the dashing Prince Killian. He locked gazes with Todd, and for a moment, I truly wondered if looks could kill.

“On what grounds!?” Todd screeched impatiently. “You’re nothing more than Ashbourne scum. Leave us, before we execute you like we should have done in the first place!”

Killian stepped forward, a proud smile tugging at his lips. “Well now, that’s no way for a peasant to address a prince.” He crossed his arms disdainfully, his expression held back none of his hatred toward the man who held my hands.

“You imbecile! I am about to be king! As soon as this ceremony is completed, I will outrank even you!” Todd fired back.

“Not if you marry her, you won’t,” Killian growled, pointing a long finger at me. His angered eyes met mine and instantly softened into a comforting smile. I felt my breathing halt entirely.

“Killian, did you really...?” My voice could barely be heard over the crowd’s confused murmurs, but Killian gave me his signature cheeky grin.

“You’re not the princess, Nix,” he said smoothly. “You’re free.”

A mass of overwhelming emotions poured through me, but before I could take even a second to process any of it, Sir Baggio interrupted, “what proof do you have toward this claim!? This girl meets all the criteria to be Princess Estelle. We have combed the entire kingdom for any other woman who would fit the proper age and description of the princess, and Nixie Greene is the only one. How could you possibly convince us otherwise?”

The crowd quieted once more, turning their attention to the grinning prince. “Simple,” he stated boldly, “I found her real family.”

I watched in slow motion as Killian gestured for the crowd to part once more. My eyes widened in curiosity as a mysterious figure appeared from behind Mother and stepped out into the crowd. My eyes strained to try to make out what I was seeing. It was a woman—a very young woman, perhaps even younger than me. My confusion only heightened as she stepped into the light of the candles. This girl was almost as short as I was, but she had bright blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. She looked nothing like a Sybettian.

I looked back at Killian for answers, but he only extended his hand out toward the young girl to present her to the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Nixie Greene’s half-sister. The daughter of their shared father, Quinton Planer.”

My mouth dropped open along with the rest of the crowds' as the woman greeted us all with a dainty curtsey. Her bright blue eyes smiled back at me as we met gazes for the first time in our lives.

I... I have a half-sister?

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nixie,” the girl said brightly. “My name is Aurelia Oberon.”

chapter twenty-two

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy