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I gazed impatiently out the window, wishing to be on the other side of the glass. Sadly, the frames were sealed into the build of the wall, so there was no hope of opening them. It was almost as if my destiny was to be forever trapped in some form of lavish prison.

Memories flowed through my mind of my old home. The constant feeling of entrapment and constriction would loom over my life relentlessly. It was miserable and hopeless, but I did take some parts for granted. I never went hungry and never went a day without comforts. On certain occasions, I had even been allowed the freedom to go into town. I had made friends with the commoners and had even assisted the princess in a dangerous situation. There had been some exciting moments worth living for. Had it really been that bad?

My fingers dug into the plush parlor carpet, anxiously scratching at the surface. If I had gone through with the marriage, would my life be any different? What if Theodore made a kind and understanding husband? Would he have allowed me the freedom to dream? To explore? I suppose I didn’t even give him a chance to prove his intentions before deciding for the both of us. What if I was just being selfish?

I closed my eyes, trying to picture a life with the faceless Theodore. In my mind, he was of average height, with chestnut hair and matching eyes. His build would be strong, but not overwhelmingly so. He would cherish his time with me but let me go off on my own when I needed space. Our home would be comfortable, but modest, and we would have a close relationship with our staff. My dreams fluttered through my head whimsically, without an ounce of realism in sight.

My eyes opened, reminding myself that I was still trapped in a stranger’s manor and not living a blissful fantasy. I stretched my back as far as I could without shifting the drapes too drastically. Reality set into my thought process as I recalled my ambitions for leaving in the first place.

It was simple, noble men did not support the freedom of noble women. We were intended to stay home, entertain guests, and simply look pretty. If our ambitions exceeded singing, painting, or dancing, then we clearly must not be of the right mind. I let out an exasperated sigh, considering the likelihood that Theodore thought the same way—it was more probable than not.

Voices clustered around the far side of the house in the direction of the kitchen and dining room. The day had grown late, and I watched optimistically as the outdoor staff slowly trickled inside.It must be suppertime!

My theory was confirmed as the delicious scent of baked bread and steamed vegetables permeated the house. My mouth began to salivate from the enticing aroma, but I kept my mind focused on the window. There were only two men left outside, and they appeared to be cleaning up. The anticipation of freedom whirled through my body, stirring up the dormant energy in my unused limbs. My chance at freedom was nearly here!

The men began to make their way to the front door, and I eagerly turned my attention to the interior of the threshold to await their entrance. My eyes fell on the entryway and immediately, my heart sank.

Lawrence was holding the door open for the last two men, with a key resting in his hand. As the two men entered, the butler shut the door behind them, placing the key inside the lock.

“No…” I whispered brokenly.This couldn’t be happening, not again.

The three of them waltzed into the kitchen together, chattering away lightheartedly. I rushed for the door, no longer caring to be cautious in my movements. I tugged on the handle desperately, but it was no use. It was locked tight.

“I just want out!” I huffed furiously under my breath. The noise from the dining room was too loud to pick up on my comments, so I let my frustrations vent. “Please, just open! Can I not just live my life?”

My anger was growing louder, and I knew it. I held my tongue but continued tugging on the door relentlessly. It was useless, and I knew it. I turned my back to the door and slid down the wood until I sat on the floor. What should I do now?

A yawn overtook my thoughts as I remembered my terrible night’s sleep from before. I needed a place to sleep before dinner was over. My grouchy stomach gurgled at me again at the thought of food, but there wasn’t much I could do to appease it at the moment. The scent of the staff’s dinner was almost unbearable to try to ignore.

In an attempt to escape the tempting smells, I made my way back toward the parlor. It had been a good place of refuge for the day and would make a fine hiding place for the night. The room was full of windows for observation, close to the front door, and far from the kitchen. With any luck, I should be able to escape out the front door at the first opportunity.

Making my way back into the lavish room, I located an oversized dish cabinet that had caught my attention earlier. It was a beautiful piece of wood work. The entire fixture was about six feet tall and maybe four feet wide. Every corner, side, and edge was made up of gorgeously carved maple, with glass doors fixated on the upper half. The glass contained displays of fine dishware, tea sets, and polished silver that I was certain had never been used. The bottom half was what I needed, though. It contained a built-in lower cabinet that was certainly large enough for a petite intruder to hide in.

Ever so gently, I pulled open the lower cabinet, careful not to shake the dishes up top. The door took a little effort to pull open, but it came loose after a gentle tug. I peered inside the opening and found the space was divided with a horizontal shelf that split the cabinet in two. I cursed slightly at this discovery since it cut off half my available sleeping space. However, there was still enough room to feasibly fit myself under the cramped shelf.

With a dissatisfied sigh, I began to move the few trinkets stored on the bottom shelf to the upper one. There were only a few flower vases and glasses in the way, so the reorganizing was rather simple. As I brushed my fingers across the back panel of the wood, I recognized something. The wood spanning the back was oak, not maple. It was an extremely subtle difference to notice, but one that I had been trained to spot. Cheaper materials made for cheaper products, so why would such an elaborate cabinet have a section of mismatched wood?

I rapped my knuckles on the panel, and instantly got my answer. It was a false back, of course. There must have been a hidden compartment for keeping documents or treasured heirlooms. With my curiosity satisfied, I shrugged and continued to clear away the dust. Sure, I could have discovered how the panel opened, but there was no need. I was only in need of a hiding spot, and my rudeness to the home’s owner had already stretched far enough. I didn’t need to snoop through their personal documents on top of breaking and entering.

It was no surprise that the space was cramped and stiff as I crawled inside, but it was safe. I clicked the cabinet door shut from the inside and found that the doors didn’t quite meet together. The smallest sliver of light streamed through the space, allowing a tiny streak of visibility into the parlor. This would be useful for getting out in the morning.

Shifting into my makeshift bedroom, I situated my arm under my head for a pillow. My mind drifted off into sleep without fearing the voices outside of the doors. No one would find me in here, so I could rest as long as I needed.

So I did just that. My eyes shut and I faded into a dreamless sleep.

chapter five

I overslept.

I must have. When I opened my eyes the light from the tiny crack was blaring straight in my face. My neck and back ached from the tight sleeping position, but it was surprisingly more comfortable than the bed in the master suite.

My eyes fixated on the small line of visibility outside the cabinet, but I didn’t see any movement. I paused for another moment to listen for foreign voices. Nothing, the coast seemed clear. Pushing the cabinet door open, I peered out into the room and confirmed the lack of servants around. The room was definitely empty.

I wandered out of the cabinet and tucked my sleepy frame back behind the front drapes. A large yawn escaped my lips as I stretched my aching limbs to life. It took me a moment to rub the sleep out of my eyes before I could get a good look out the window.

“Huh?” I mumbled absent-mindedly at the unexpected sight. There was new carriage pulling up the drive with… a dog?

A giant fluffy black Great Pyrenees stuck his head out of the moving vehicle. His dopey-looking face expressed pure joy as his long pink tongue flapped around in the breeze. I had to stifle a laugh at the strange display. The carriage was marked with the same crest I had seen on the front gate, which could only mean…

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy