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“That hit the spot. Geez, Goldie, if you weren’t already spoken for, I’d marry ya myself!” The man laughed, clinking mugs with his companions.

A sudden arm slinked around my waist, and I smiled at the familiar touch. “Sorry, fellas, tough break.” Elias grinned proudly at the men, who all cheered him on in celebration.

“Quit slacking.” I nudged him playfully. “You better get back to the kitchen before the dinner rush begins.” He nodded begrudgingly, then snuck a quick peck on my cheek before running back into the kitchen.

I snickered to myself at his playful behavior. Life had been good for us ever since we left the outskirts of the capital. The Oberon trial took far longer than anyone expected it to. With so many years of evidence stacked up against the family, it took nearly six months to accumulate all those involved. In the end, Luke Oberon had been sentenced to execution, which was carried out in late fall. Jenna and Lawrence were both given life sentences in the capital prison, and the involved mages each earned some jail time as well. Once the entire Oberon case had been unfolded, the court switched their focus to the Dugal and Lockly families.

At the same time the Oberons were being investigated, my mother was brought into questioning regarding my birth-father’s death. Many other interrogations passed through the servants of both households, but never the two lords. The royal guard explained that the questions were based upon my death, not my father’s, so the gentlemen never grew too curious. By the time the Oberon case wrapped up, the court was prepared to begin the Dugal and Lockly trial.

That one went by much quicker and ended with both men earning their own jail cells. Along with their sentences, both families were also stripped of their titles and properties. My mother now peacefully lived out her days in a monastery, while Theodore shoveled manure at a distant farm. I still smiled at the image of his perfect hands being caked with filth at the end of each day.

With the massive list of trials to spur through, it had taken ages for the queen to submit a new marriage law amendment. Elias and I hadn’t minded the wait, though. It gave us time to enjoy a simple life together, one without titles or wealth to maintain. It had been a blissful year, but the wait was finally coming to a close.

The official law rewrite had been submitted nearly two months ago now. At the time of the submission, Elias and I weren’t even certain we were prepared for our betrothal to be over, but I was seventeen now and Elias was nearly nineteen. The time we were gifted had been a blessing, but now we were ready to start life anew.

The next morning, I rushed out of my room to meet the courier as I always had for the last month. “Anything from the capital today?” I asked the man eagerly.

The courier smiled at me. “As a matter of fact…” The man pulled a letter from his bag at an agonizingly slow rate. “Here ya are, Miss Goldie.” He stretched out the letter to me, and I snatched it in a flash.

My eyes flashed instantly to the queen’s seal encrusted across the top. I shouted a quick thanks to the courier as I ran in the opposite direction toward the kitchen. I flung the door open, causing Elias to nearly drop an oversized pot of porridge. He gave me a stern look at the startle, but then lit up as he noticed the waving letter above my head. He sat the pot down gingerly, then rushed to my side.

“Is that...?” He didn’t finish, but I didn’t need him to.

“I think so.” I smiled giddily, nearly bouncing from excitement.

“What are you waiting for? Open it!” He gestured to the letter.

I tore the letter open in a single rip. My hands shook as I unfolded the beautiful stationary in my hands.

My dearest Aurelia,

In the coming weeks, an announcement will be made in regards to the new marriage law. I am pleased to inform you that any woman of any age may now be permitted to accept or decline a betrothal without a man’s consent. Families will no longer be permitted to accept or decline a betrothal in place of their children. This law applies to both men and women who reside within the kingdom of Isalla.

Now, with that said, I would like to formally invite you and your betrothed back to the capital. Lord Elias has been granted access to his family’s inheritance, and the court would like to fully welcome him to assist in the renewal of the Oberon name. A new position has opened in the judicial court, and we would love to speak with him about it. Although we mourn the loss of Aurelia Lockly, we are pleased to welcome Lady Aurelia Oberon back into the inner ranks of our kingdom. I shall anxiously await your return, my friend. The incoming Isallan prince or princess will need to meet their Aunt Aurelia in a few months!

Queen Arabella

As soon as I read the last word aloud, Elias grabbed me by the waist and twirled me through the air. I laughed joyously as he lowered me down into a kiss. We embraced silently for a moment as the rush emotions passed through us both. A soft nuzzle at my leg finally made me break away from his hold. Bear pressed his fluffy head underneath my hand to request a pat, and I gladly obliged.

Elias bent down with me to pet the furry beast. “What do you say, Bear? Are you ready to be a fancy boy again?” He scratched under his chin, earning a pleased groan from the boy.

“Good,” I replied to the dog’s response. “Cause we’re going to need a ring bearer, and your name is in the title!” I laughed at my ridiculous joke, while Elias only groaned from the horridness of it.

After a few more rounds of pets and hugs, Elias and I went out into the dining space to announce our big news. A chorus of congratulations and disappointed sighs sounded from the regulars, but overall, everyone was excited for us to finally wed. Together, Elias and I served the porridge amongst the fellow staff and guests, accepting congratulatory hugs and well wishes.

As Elias and I sat at our table, we ate our meal with unceasing smiles. We could finally go home and get married. My mind drifted through beautiful scenarios of the two of us snuggled up in front of a fire as man and wife, with Bear curled up at our feet. I imagined living the life I had always dreamed of, with the man of my dreams to complete it. As I tasted my first bite of porridge, my bliss heightened from the sweet taste. Everything was just as it should be... it wasn’t too wild, it wasn’t too perfect.

It was all just right.

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