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“That could very well be,” the king said. “The Ashbourne kingdom is founded on strength and trickery. Many of their nobles have been known to cause trouble amongst the Emerald Realm and sadly, King Darius doesn’t do much to stop it. He often will smooth over conflicts with large gifts in order to maintain peace. It would not surprise me if your assassin was just a toy for one of those nobles.” The king shook his head disapprovingly, clearly not fond of his northern neighbor.

“Honestly, I hope you’re right.” I sighed in aggravation. “I shall have to arrange a meeting with the Ashbourne ambassadors to be certain. However, if this truly was just an elaborate prank, then I’m grateful there shouldn’t be any further conflicts to be feared.” I took a deep breath, then gazed around at all the friendly faces standing amongst me. “Well, since we’re all here, why don’t we adjourn to the dining room to continue this conversation? Earl, do you think the cooks will be able to serve everyone?” My stomach growled as I hoped the answer to be yes.

“Of course, Your Highness.” The butler bowed with a warm smile. “We shall whip up a grand feast in honor of your safe return.” Cheerful smiles and hugs followed his announcement, then we made our way down to the dining hall.

I was bombarded with questions from each of the girls throughout the entire walk. Some asked about simple things like palace life or tiaras, while Glenda asked the hard questions about what I planned to do next. Throughout our chatting, they mentioned that they had dragged Mr. Dwarfer along with them and placed him in the tender care of the castle guards. I was happy to hear that he was safely out of the town. Throughout all the chatter and attention I was receiving, I couldn’t help but notice Peter’s constant gaze upon me in the corner of my eye. I wanted to break away from the group and lace my fingers through his, but I knew it wouldn’t be a good moment for it.

When we arrived at the table, it had been set for twelve and I noticed a young gentleman already seated at one of the table ends. He rose from his seat upon seeing me and approached me with a formal bow. “Princess Arabella, I am so relieved to see you are safe and well.” He rose from his bow and looked at me with attractive blue eyes. He had well-kept blonde hair and somewhat familiar features. Suddenly, I recognized his father’s face when he introduced himself. “My name is Prince Jasper Cyprus of Drancos.”

My face flushed form embarrassment at not recognizing him sooner. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Prince Jasper.” I gave a dainty curtsy as I gathered my red skirts in my hands. “I apologize for our meeting being delayed for so long.” I gave a charming smile but was aching inside. Peter may be worried if I appear enchanted by the prince.

“No apology necessary. I am just elated that you are unharmed.” He gave me a sweet but distant smile as he led me and the others to our seats. We all ate hungrily as delicious soups, salads, and meats cascaded out of the kitchen. The mill maids were in complete awe of some of the flavors that greeted their tastebuds, and I couldn’t help but laugh and smile at their enjoyment.

Midway through the meal, the cheerful atmosphere was broken up by a serious comment from the king. “I think I need to address the elephant in the room while we are all gathered.” His voice carried calmly across the table, but I felt my stomach lurch. I risked a glance at Peter, who was already looking to me with concern. “There is no longer any benefit for a marriage between Queen Minerva and myself. Therefore, I hereby revoke my proposal in front of all of you as witness, and I hope that the kingdom of Isalla will bear no ill will to me for it.” He looked directly at me, and I gave him a reassuring smile before he continued, “furthermore, I still believe an official alliance between our two kingdoms is long overdue. I know this is all very sudden, but our initial arrival was with the intention of introducing my son to you, Your Highness.” He directed his gaze to his son, who gave off no change of emotion.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach as the prince turned his gaze toward me. He was very attractive and had even helped save my life, but he wasn’t Peter. However, Drancos had just assisted in both my rescue and the detainment of our treasonous queen. We were deeply indebted to them and denying his son’s hand may be seen as an act of selfishness. I reflected on my mother’s words in her suite. Maybe she was right. If I was ever going to be the princess my kingdom deserved, then I needed to stop being so selfish.

“So what do you say, princess?” the king questioned with a fatherly smile. “Would you be willing to accept my son’s hand in marriage?”

I swallowed hard as the question loomed over me. My heart ached, but my mind knew what the right answer was. I had to look at Peter before I could answer. I turned to gaze at him and saw the same sorrow I felt reflected in his eyes. I wanted to beg him to forgive me, to plead with him that I didn’t want to, but he only gave me a nearly unnoticeable nod. He knew what my duty was, and he understood. I turned to face the prince with a forced smile upon my face. I knew my eyes were misting, but I could only hope he wouldn’t notice. I opened my mouth to accept his proposal, but Jasper spoke first.

“I don’t believe that to be necessary, Father.” He kept my gaze while he spoke, and I nearly gasped in relief. “Isalla has just been through a tragic series of misfortunes and are in need of our support. However, I firmly believe that an alliance formed through marriage can be just as strong as those without. Let us allow the new leader of Isalla to face her kingdom with the assurance that she can be strong on her own, yet can still call on her allies in times of need.” The prince’s words were like a symphony to my ears. He gave me a friendly smile, then looked past me. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking toward Peter, who wore a gracious expression. Had the prince picked up on our attraction to each other? My cheeks began to grow hot at the thought.

“Very well then,” the king announced before raising a glass of wine. “Perhaps a marriage may be established someday, but for today, let us celebrate the return of Princess Arabella and toast to her new reign.” The king wore a rosy smile as we all clinked glasses with him from across the table.

We finished the meal and began to disperse as the night dwindled on. Aurelia gave me one final hug before she returned home with the promise to visit often. With the engagement already dissolved and the assassin’s letter being full of lies, we were no longer in urgent need of her as a witness. Earl prepared seven suitable guest suites for all the mill girls who graciously accepted the invitation and left for bed. Before we knew, it the grand hall was empty aside from only Peter and me. We followed each other to the plush velvet furniture that I had last sat with the ambassador on. The fire roared soothingly as the two of us sat side by side. There had been so many times I feared I would never sit within these walls again, but now that I was back, I recognized that it wasn’t the castle that made me feel at home— it was the man leaning beside me.

“Peter?” I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace in the air.

“Yes, princess?” he replied softly, turning to face me.

“I don’t want you to go back to the outpost,” I stated honestly. I needed him here with me, no matter what it took. “Will you stay here at the castle with me?” My eyes glinted hopefully as a smile spread across his lips.

“I would be honored, Your Highness, but what would I do?” He looked to me quizzically, and I smiled broadly at his approval.

“Well, a man of your rank would be suited for being my personal guard,” I mentioned casually, hoping he would be intrigued. “Would you be interested in such a position? You would hardly ever be allowed from my side, but there’s no one else I could hope for.”

Peter’s face glowed with excitement as he mutely nodded. “It would be my greatest pleasure.” He wrapped me in an embrace, and I let his warmth surround me.

“There is one requirement though, that is non-negotiable,” I whispered cheekily into his ear before pulling away from his embrace.

“Oh?” he said, raising a curious eyebrow at me. “And what might that be?”

“You must only call me Arabella.” I gave him a teasing smile. “I mean it this time. No more “princess” or “your highness.” You may only use my name.” I giggled at his bemused reaction.

“Your terms are tough, but fair,” He crossed his arms and gave me a sideways smile. “Very well then, I would be honored to serve you,” he paused for a moment then winked, “Arabella.”

chapter twenty

King Darius sat prominently upon his obsidian throne as the man in black approached him in silence. It had been two months since he had been sent into the kingdom of Isalla. The morning light drifted through the stained-glass, creating jewel-toned patterns of light across the floor. The king crossed his legs and leaned his elbow against the arm of his chair comfortably.

“Well?” The king’s voice was strong and impatient. “Was your task as successful as I have been led to believe?”

The quiet man raised his head from the floor to meet the eyes of his king. “Yes, Your Majesty,” he replied proudly. “The mirror test was proven useful on both the Isallan princess and queen.”

The king permitted a slight smile at this news. “I have received word of the princess’s ongoing coronation, along with the queen’s exile. Tell me, do you believe these were just actions based on your observations?” The king’s eyes narrowed, awaiting his reply.

“Indeed, I do,” the man replied, then rose to his feet. “Under the pressure of potential death, the princess was found to be resourceful and even compassionate. Her rumored selfish nature was most likely derived from her spoiled upbringing. I fully believe she will make a just ruler, worthy of remaining our ally.” The king gave a pleased nod at his response and gestured at the man to continue.

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy