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The dark-clad man kneeled in the center of the expansive throne room. It was just before dawn and the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the stained-glass windows. The king was seated on an elaborate black throne, garnished with opulently large rubies and veined in gold trim. His face was lit upward by the lone lantern at his feet, casting his features in eerie shadows. Holding his back straight and eyes level, he sat with the dignity only a proud ruler could possess. He gazed down intensely at the man dressed in black.

“I presume your visit means you have reached a decision?” the king asked, his voice powerful and looming in the quiet space.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the man replied smoothly. “I accept the assignment.”

The king’s mouth curled upward slightly. “Excellent, I shall have the guard equip you with any supplies you require and some proper armor. Create a list of anything you may need and submit it to my advisor.” Picking up the lamp, the king rose from his seat. The light danced around the room as it shook and glistened off the jeweled throne.

“As you wish, my king, but I have one question before I begin my task.” The man remained kneeling, but raised his head slightly.

The king narrowed his eyes. “Well, out with it then,” he snapped.

“Why may I not simply eliminate the target immediately?” the man questioned. “Is it not more of a risk sticking close to them for such a period? I must confess, in all modesty, that the extended hunt sounds thrilling, but if the target escapes, I fear your eminence would be placed in a state of peril. I understand the full extent of the assignment; however it may be in your best interest to simply proceed with the attack.” He looked up at the king, who had crossed the room toward where he kneeled.

The king loomed over the man, the lamp creaking as it swung from his hand. “There is no need for you to concern yourself with such trivial details,” the king explained sternly, gazing down at the man. “If you truly are worried about my security, then relieve yourself of the notion. Know that my assets are well-protected. However, I believe that your true concern lies with whether any unfortunate circumstances affecting my well-being would result in you not receiving the promised reward.”

The dark man smiled slyly and gave a subtle shrug toward the king.

“Your reward will be provided after the assigned task is proven complete. You have my word.” The king held out his hand to the man, who in turn, rose to his feet and shook it firmly, sealing the agreement.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The man grinned a toothy smile. “It shall be done.”

chapter one

I stood in front of my elongated mirror, taking in a long look at my glowing reflection. The early morning sun reflected off the glass, making my outline appear ablaze along the edges of my slim figure. Being the princess and only heir of a powerful kingdom meant that appearances held a heavy importance, and I stepped closer to observe the efforts of my beauty sleep. My dark brown eyes looked extra big this morning, and my hair shone with a silky sheen as with the loose strands framed my face. The new dressing maid stood quietly behind me, watching as I undid the braided bun she had just twisted into my sleek, ebony hair.

“Sorry, Edith,” I apologized halfheartedly. “I think we can both agree that this isn’t the most flattering look. The braids are nice, but the whole kingdom knows that my hair is one of my best features. If it’s all tucked away, then my face has to do all the work, and smiling can get exhausting after awhile.” I gently tucked the curls behind my ears alongside a small pearl-embellished pin.

“Yes, princess, please forgive my ignorance,” Edith replied in a shaken voice. Today was the young girl’s first day working without supervision, and she still hadn’t quite grasped the unspoken rules that existed in my presence.

“Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself! I’m not going to throw you into the dungeon.” I laughed playfully, trying to help the panicked girl relax. “But you really should apprentice with the senior dressers a little longer. It took awhile to properly groom them into understanding my needs, and they never mess up my hair anymore. Don’t worry, everyone gets there with time.”

I put the pins down and slowly turned in front of the mirror, taking in the regal dress I wore. It was a dark green velvet gown with silver vine embellishments along the bodice and skirt. The heavy material was perfect for the harsh winter outside the castle walls- not that I was ever going to endure more than a few moments of the cold before returning to the sanctuary of the stone walls. However, it was always good to look the part for any visiting nobles or merchants who attended our winter events. The cold seasons always grew so dull, so the queen often held social gatherings and small feasts to connect with the royal court’s families.

I, on the other hand, could hardly be bothered with such annoying guests. All they ever did was stand around gossiping while encouraging their sons to flirt with me. Instead of bearing through the obnoxious company, I often tried to make things more interesting by creating stirs with a harmless prank or two. There was nothing quite as entertaining as watching schmoozing nobles embarrass themselves by sipping tea steeped in hot peppers or wiping their nose into peppered handkerchiefs. Most of the servants had already caught onto my tricks by now, but the court would never imagine that such a perfect princess could be up to no good. So, I continued to use my own methods to pass the time during the lifeless winters.

I performed one final twirl in the mirror before feeling satisfied with my look. I then strode across the room to where the nervous maid stood politely.

“I must say, you chose well for my dress,” I complimented, and the girl’s shy blue eyes brightened at my words. “This color truly highlights my complexion. Most of the ladies’ skin grows fair and light during the dark winters; therefore, it benefits me to wear colors that help my skin tone appear more vibrant than the other girls I’m compared to. Don’t you agree?”

The maid jolted slightly at being asked a direct question. “Why yes, Your Highness! she answered quickly. “I wouldn’t dare dress you to appear inferior to the other ladies at court. You must always look your best amongst the other members of nobility. Not that it’s difficult to achieve!” She hastily continued, “Your Highness is already the most beautiful girl in the kingdom!” For the first time, she sounded confident, as if she’d rehearsed this moment before, whereas she had only muttered meek responses previously.

I smiled, acknowledging the girl’s praise. Then I sat down in front of the vanity and began to shuffle through some jewelry.

“I’m glad you agree, but Edith, dear…” I started, “don’t worry so much about trying to flatter me. I already get enough of that from the gentlemen at court.” Edith froze at the subtle scolding, posing with her hands clutched tightly in front of her. Her gaze drifted to the floor with all her previous confidence shattered beneath her. I turned back to meet her gaze and softened my eyes.

“I assume the other servants trained you to compliment my every feature long before you ever saw me. While I do appreciate the kind words and attention, I prefer my dressers to be a little more honest with me. After all, if something didn’t look right on me, I would certainly need to know before I ever left the confides of my suite.” I took her stiffened hands into my own and smiled gently. “And relax a little, dear. I’m not going to eat you. I may be picky about my appearance but it’s nothing for you to get so nervous about.” I dropped the maid’s hands and could visibly see her release a held breath.

“Thank you, princess. Please forgive me for fawning, I’m just a little anxious having been assigned such a high position so early,” she explained with a more eased expression. “I simply hope to serve you to the extent you deserve.”

“And I’m sure you will do just that. Now, would you mind assisting me?” I asked, holding up a detailed, silvery jade necklace. The girl nodded and jumped into action, helping me secure the clasp behind my neck. I smiled at her, happy to see her not as stiff. If she was going to be my dresser long-term, then I needed her to feel comfortable with me. This might be the most important role a servant could have when serving a princess like myself.

I had always known I was beautiful. Since the day I was born, news spread across the kingdom of the dazzling princess blessed to the King and Queen of Isalla. Princess Arabella Ivory Zakaria, the name of King Victor’s most prized treasure. No matter whom I met, my father always introduced me as the most divine creature seen by man. He would take me on trips across the country to show me off to the citizens of the land, simply to prove that he alone possessed the finest treasure. Of course, I knew he was exaggerating, at least a little. Ever since he died when I was fifteen, the servants have recited compliments to me as if I would crumble without them. I can’t say for sure if I wouldn’t have, though. My father’s praise was all I ever truly had in life. Sure, I’m an adored, well-educated, stunningly beautiful princess, but the title doesn’t exactly come with the perfect life. I only ever saw my father during dinners or when he was flaunting my beauty to the kingdom, which was rather often. Those moments of praise became my most treasured time with him. His adoration was his act of love, and when he was gone, I suppose the servants just felt I would miss that. It’s not like my mother was going to give it to me.


My thoughts were interrupted by Edith, who had just finished securing my everyday tiara. It was a dainty platinum headpiece, encrusted with a few simple jewels that rested elegantly just behind my hairline. While I was lost in thought, Edith had completed attaching my jewelry and was now staring at me expectantly, no doubt awaiting feedback.

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy