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A look of satisfaction crossed Ted’s face. “Excellent. I had my doubts you’d find anything on him. The whole family acts like they’re better than the rest of the world. Regardless of the outcome of this election, I’d be happy to see a member brought down a peg or two.”

As much as he shared Ted’s sentiments, he needed to set the record straight before Ted got too excited. “My contacts haven’t uncovered anything useful on him.” Phillip swiveled his chair and picked up the top newspaper on the back credenza. “Did you see this today?”

He passed a copy of the Boston Times, open to the society section, across the desk. A black-and-white photo of Brett Sherbrooke kissing a woman in a parking garage occupied a large portion of the page. A smaller one of them holding hands and walking down a sidewalk was also there, along with a short article by a reporter he wasn’t familiar with.

“Similar pictures showed up in at least two other papers this morning.” Phillip turned the computer screen so Ted could see the Star Report’s website and the almost identical picture featured there. “The Star Report picked up on the story too.”

Ted studied the picture in the newspaper and then set it aside. “No, I haven’t seen these. This morning was move-in day for my oldest son at Deerfield Academy. I promised him I’d be there. I went straight from there to my engagement at the VFW in Grafton.” His eyes moved across the computer screen. “Who is she?”

“The article says her name is Jennifer Wallace, and she works in Providence.” The article hadn’t given him anything useful except her name. He’d started with less information though. If she had any skeletons in her closet, he’d find them.

“What do we know about her?” Ted asked.

Phillip looked at the picture again. None of his contacts had uncovered Brett was in a romantic relationship. These pictures told a different story. He was involved with someone. Either it was a recent development or Sherbrooke had a reason for keeping it under the rug.

“Nothing useful yet. But my people are on it.” Soon he’d know everything from when her birthday was to her favorite place to shop. “If she’s got any secrets, we’ll know about them. Don’t worry. My best people are on it.”

Ted’s expression grew grim. “I won’t get my hopes up. Judging by what we know of Sherbrooke, he wouldn’t get himself involved with a woman who has something to hide.” He tapped the newspaper on the desk. “Uncover what you can. But I don’t want you wasting all my money on this. Your people have two weeks. After that we’re ditching this strategy altogether.”

His contacts were good. Two weeks should be more than enough time for them to uncover some useful dirt, assuming there was some out there.

“In the meantime, I want to revisit my upcoming events. Make sure the topic is given ample time at our meeting.”

Bright and early Wednesday they had a strategy meeting with Ted’s entire inner circle. Following it the former lieutenant governor had a town hall forum at one of the state’s community colleges. “I’ll make certain we address it,” Phillip said.

Chapter Twelve

“Miss Wallace, this is Daniella Nault with the Star Report,” the caller said after Jen answered the phone.

Not another one. Didn’t these reporters have better things to do with their days than call her? Since the pictures of her and Brett had shown up Monday, she’d been getting a constant string of phone calls and e-mails from various reporters. If being a celebrity was anything like this, she had a new appreciation for the men and women in Hollywood.

“I hope I’m not catching you at an inconvenient time,” the reporter said.

In Jen’s opinion, there was no convenient time for this woman or any of her colleagues to call. “Actually, I’m expecting guests.” Normally, she didn’t think of her sister and niece as guests, but if it helped get her out of this conversation without appearing like a rude witch, she’d use their upcoming visit.

“I understand and won’t keep you long. I was hoping to set up a time for an exclusive interview with you. Ideally it would be in the next couple days so it can make

the next edition of the Star Report. If that’s not possible, I totally understand, and we can schedule it for a time more convenient for you. But I would require you not give any other interviews in the meantime.”

The easiest thing would be to end the call and hope the reporter didn’t call back. Unfortunately, the easiest thing would also be rude. As a rule, unless left with no other choice, she remained polite no matter the situation or person she faced. The constant calls and surprise visits by reporters all week were making it difficult to follow her personal rule.

“Ms. Nault, I have been contacted by a handful of other publications.” Jen prepared to give the same speech she’d given to the last three reporters who’d called from major magazines.

“This isn’t the nineteenth century,” the reporter said with a little laugh. “Call me Daniella.”

If the reporter thought being on a first-name basis would change anything, she was about to be disappointed. “Daniella, I know it’s not the answer you were hoping for today, but I have no plans to do interviews with anyone. I’m sorry.” She wasn’t, but it seemed like the polite thing to say.

The first three publications had offered her a not-so-tiny sum of money to sit down and give them an interview they could get out to their readers before any of their competitors. The Star Report would most likely do the same. No matter what dollar amount the media giant presented her with, she’d refuse it.

“I truly understand your desire to protect your relationship, Jennifer. Really, I do, and in your shoes, I’d have my reservations as well.”

Well, this is a different approach. The other reporters had become argumentative when she refused. “Thank you.”

“But I still must ask you to reconsider. Many consider the Sherbrooke family American Royalty. People care about them and want glimpses into both their private and public lives.”

Jen didn’t disagree with the reporter’s comments. People did love to read about the Sherbrookes. When it came to her and Brett’s relationship, she didn’t care about what the public wanted.

“And people across the country are especially intrigued with Brett Sherbrooke right now. He’s spent much of his life in the military and outside the public spotlight. Then suddenly he’s running for a seat in the United States Senate with you by his side,” Daniella said. “Readers want to know all they can about him and you.”

Tags: Christina Tetreault Billionaire Romance