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He watched Mom lead Jen toward the rest of the family. He couldn’t see her face, but he knew she’d be chatting away with Jen as if they’d always known e

ach other. She was like that with everyone she came in contact with regardless of whether it was the barista making her latte or the governor’s wife. When the two women reached the rest of the family, Brett turned his eyes back toward Dad and waited for his questions.

“I didn’t expect you to arrive today with a date,” Dad said. “How long have you known Jen?”

“Closing in on two years. I know her brother, Keith, too.”

Both eyebrows went up this time. “I see. Does she realize the time constraints this campaign will put on you? Or how a win will affect your life?”

They hadn’t sat down and actually discussed it, but she seemed to understand. And since they’d been seeing each other, she’d never made any demands on him. “Affirmative.” He hated to lie but for now it was what Dad needed to hear.

Dad nodded slightly and looked toward where Jen stood with Mom. “You never mentioned her to your mom or me. Any particular reason?”

While Brett realized his father loved him, he didn’t always understand the decisions he made. If it been up to him, Brett would’ve attended Harvard or Yale and then joined Sherbrooke Enterprises or perhaps the financial world like his younger brother had after college. He’d been quite vocal about Brett’s decision to attend West Point and not follow the typical path of a Sherbrooke. Falling for a woman while exchanging letters and text messages would be one of those things Dad wouldn’t understand. And if it hadn’t happened to him, he wouldn’t either.

“I just wasn’t ready.” It was a simple answer and one that wouldn’t involve admitting that although they’d known each other a long time, they’d only met face-to-face this month.

Dad clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, if you brought her with you today, she must be important to you. I look forward to getting to know her better.”

By the time they joined the rest of the group, Jen was already seated next to his cousin Allison and chatting away with the other women gathered. Since Allison was there, her new fiancée must be too, however at the moment he wasn’t with the group. His cousins Jake and Trent weren’t there either, although they couldn’t be far since their wives were out here. Curt was there though, along with his girlfriend, Taylor. When he’d gone to pick up the key to Curt’s house in Newport, he’d told his brother about Jen, so at least he wouldn’t get any questions from him or Jake today. The rest of his cousins would corner him at some point before the day was out and grill him.

“I can’t believe you’ve been back a few weeks and haven’t stopped by or at least called us,” Aunt Marilyn said when she spotted him.

Dad’s only sister, Aunt Marilyn, had always been his favorite aunt, although he’d never tell anyone else that because he adored Aunt Elizabeth and had loved spending time with Aunt Donna before she passed away. Aunt Marilyn though had always been the most laid-back of the group. He didn’t know how she’d turned out like that. All three of her brothers, as well as Brett’s grandparents, were all so uptight and proper. Somehow Aunt Marilyn had managed to follow her own path.

“This campaign has taken over my life, Aunt Marilyn. I’ll try to visit soon,” he said as he mentally ran through his upcoming schedule. “I’m not sure when, but sometime in the next few weeks.”

“Only if you have the time. Don’t go out of your way to visit, but a phone call now and then would be wonderful,” she said.

“That I can definitely do,” Brett answered.


He spent the next few hours catching up with his family and then enjoying a long, leisurely lunch. However, when the woman began discussing color schemes and floral arrangements best suited for a spring wedding, he along with the other male members of the family split. Now Brett, his cousins, and Rock, Allison’s fiancée, were seated in the library enjoying drinks and conversations that didn’t involve whether Allison’s bridal bouquet should contain roses or not. The older male members of the family and Rock’s father had hidden themselves in Uncle Mark’s office until the debate over the best color for bridesmaid dresses ended. With so many women present and sharing their ideas, Brett knew all the men would be in hiding for a decent amount of time.

“Are you positive you want to join this family?” Brett asked. “There’s still time to run. Once you say ‘I do’ you’re stuck. There will be no turning back.”

A United States Marine, Rock was stationed in Quantico, Virginia, and Brett had gotten to know his cousin’s fiancé well. Since he already considered Rock part of the family, he had no qualms about giving the man a hard time like he would anyone else seated around them.

“It’s already too late. If I tried to run away, Allison would track me down,” Rock answered with a grim expression. An expression Brett knew was all an act. The guy adored Allison.

“Yeah, and if she didn’t, I would. And don’t forget it,” Derek said. Although he and Allison were twins and only minutes apart, Derek had always played the role of protective older brother. It drove Allison crazy. Brett figured it was part of why Derek insisted on doing it.

“Allison doesn’t need our help, and we all know it,” Trent said before looking at Rock, who was not only his sister’s fiancé but also his wife’s older brother. “But we’d still step in if the need ever came up. Which we know it won’t.”

Sometimes he felt sorry for Allison. His cousin had four brothers and all of them, even Alec who was younger than Allison, had always kept a watchful eye over her. Especially after their mom passed away. “Welcome to the family, Rock.” Brett raised his glass in a toast before he took a sip.

“So, when’s your trip to the altar going to be?” Trent asked, finally giving Allison’s fiancé a break and looking at Brett.

“Yeah, we’re going to have to add your name to the pool,” Jake said.

“My money is still on Scott,” Derek said, referring to their cousin who hadn’t made it to the party. “He and Paige will get married first.” Derek smiled as if he knew something everyone else didn’t.

Brett looked across to his brother. “I’m guessing they already added your name, little brother.”

Curt only shrugged. “First I’m hearing of this,” he said, and looked at their smiling cousin. “What do you know the rest of us don’t, Derek?”

“Scott planned to propose this weekend. Unless Paige realized she could do better, they should be engaged as of now,” Derek answered.

Tags: Christina Tetreault Billionaire Romance